CBS' degrees in Business Language

Graduates get out on the labour market three years before the average graduate


The graduates in Business Language get out on the labour market three years

before the average graduate, an investigation from Danmarks Statestik shows.

Only the Civil Engineers from the Technical Department, and the Pharmacists

from in the Health Department, surpass the graduates of the Department of

Business Language, being only 27 years old when they finish.

“We are very proud that our graduates get out on the labour market so fast.

In the past 2-3 years we at the Faculty of Languages, Communication and

Cultural Studies have gradually extended the field of research from a

business language and linguistic core profile with translation and

interpretation in focus to a broader profile in which the students learn to

work with language, cultural study and communication. The increased focus on

communication research and research on sociological as well as

cultural/historical references is happening among young and newly hired

researchers at Ph. D. and Assistant Professor level. All of it in close

collaboration with the business world.” Dean Søren Barlebo Rasmussen says.

Read more about the education

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 14/07/2006