CBS’ Master in experience economics takes off

Education partnership with Università Bocconi


This summer CBS launched the country’s first Postgraduate programme in management in experience economics: MsocSC in Management of Creative Business Processes. Not only have many students applied to this programme, but it has also received great support from the business community and several of Denmark’s most important businesses are participating.

Political OK given and international perspective achieved

Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller spoke highly of the degree, giving it the political ok at the conference, “Born Creative”. The subject of this conference was how to ensure the necessary growth in the creative fields in Denmark. An education partnership with Università Bocconi has been signed – a so-called double degree – where the students study in their home country for the first year and then for the second year with the partner university in Italy.

Professor Peter Maskell is excited: “This new partnership with Bocconi offers entirely new international possibilities for our students upon graduation, and the two degrees Economics in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment (Bocconi) and MSocSc in Management of Creative Business Processes (CBS) supplement each other very well.

CBS’ degree in experience economics gives the students tools to handle and manage creative processes in, for example, the film industry, which accounts for 50% more businesses than it did 10 years ago. The focus is mainly on marketing, management, project coordination, business economics, managing rights and entrepreneurship, Human Resources Management and management accounting – all focus on the practical aspects of the businesses and organisations in this trade.

Examples of CBS’ other education partnerships

Global Learning Opportunities in Business Education (GLOBE)

- Tri-continental, international bachelor degree

CEMS Master’s in International Management (CEMS)

- International management degree ranked 2nd on the Financial Times rankings

The European MBA.

- Offered as part of CBS’ Full Time MBA

Double degree with Università Bocconi

- MSc in Marketing Management (Bocconi) and MSc in Economics and Business Administration (CBS)

- Economics in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment (Bocconi) and MSocSc in Management of Creative Business Processes (CBS)

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 13/08/2007