CBS Professor appointed member of the The Danish Environmental Economic Council

- Susse Georg skal bidrage til diskussion om samspillet mellem miljø og økonomi


Discussion of the interaction between environment and economy

Professor Susse Georg from the Department of Organization has been appointed as a member of The Environmental Economic Council. Together with a number of people from different councils, ministries, and Danish businesses, she will discuss the environmental aspects of the economic reports by economic advisers.

Susse Georg was recommended by the universities and selected by The Danish Rectors' Conference and The Danish Councils for Independent Research, and she did not hesitate to accept.

- Environmental policy and economy are of significant interest to me. My research areas are about, among other things, the interaction between environmental policies and the environmental behaviour of consumers and companies. I look forward to contributing my knowledge to the discussion, says Susse Georg, who, to begin with, will sit in the newly established council for three years.

Advice on economy and environment

The Environmental Economic Council is a new initiative made by the Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs and it will support the Economic Council. The Presidency of both councils consists of four economic advisers.

The Council meets once a year to discuss the economic advisers’ report, which functions as a contribution to the social economic debate and tries to enhance the basis for decision for economic policies.

The Danish Environmental Economic Council

The Council consists of up to 24 members representing the Danish government, the Danish labour market, business organisations, and environmental organisations. Four people in the Council are so-called “special experts”, including Susse Georg.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/01/2008