New continuing education programme

New CBS education programme directed at aspiring managers and managers with a few years? professional experience


New CBS education programme directed at aspiring managers and managers with a few years professional experience

Four years professional experience and a background as a lawyer this is an example of a typical CV of a participant of the new CBS Continuing Education programme for aspiring and newly appointed managers.

The "Leadership Acceleration Program" is directed at employees in businesses and organisations with few years professional experience and typically employees with academic educations from other educational institutions than CBS. The first class of the new programme will start at CBS in September 2008.

The programme will focus both on business and management aspects. Peter Stolt, Director of the CBS Center for Continuing Education, says:

-It is the first programme in Denmark for aspiring and newly appointed managers that combines the two aspects. There are continuing education courses on management and courses on business aspects, but if you want to combine the two, until now, you have had to go to a university abroad.

Modular programme

The programme consists of three modules that each lasts four days and the participants will learn about strategy and management, financial control models, and international marketing:

-The programme is, for example, directed at engineers, lawyers, or employees of the financial sector with few years professional experience; people who do not have business knowledge on a business school level. Perhaps, they need more training on organisation theory, finance, auditing, accounting, and marketing, says Bo Bernhard Nielsen who is associate professor at the CBS Center for Strategic Management and Globalization and who is in charge of the new programme.

Not only theory

Concurrently with the teaching, the programme offers an individual course and a virtual forum where the participants can discuss different problems. Each participant will get a coach in the form of a business psychologist, and at the beginning of the course, participants will prepare a management development plan, which will be evaluated at the end of the course.

Director Peter Slot emphasises the importance of implementing the tools that the participant learns in the business that he/she works in so everything is not just bare theory.

-The participant will select a mentor in his/her business. Typically, it will be the participant's own superior. It is important that the participant will get the opportunity to implement the knowledge, tools, and input that he/she acquires in connection with the course.

"Leadership Acceleration Program":

The "Leadership Acceleration Program" costs 69,000 Danish kroner, excluding VAT. The teaching will be in English and there will be a maximum of 35 participants in each class. Each module will end with an exam. The CBS Center for Continuing Education will have information meetings on the new programme at CBS on 12 March and on 14 May, 2008.

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Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/03/2008