One education – two certificates

- CBS and Mannheim Business School have entered into an agreement on a double degree


CBS and Mannheim Business School have entered into an agreement on a double degree

Take half of your education abroad and get a Master’s degree from two universities. That’s the offer being made to students on the MSc in Business Administration and Information Systems, who have chosen the profile IT Management and Business Economics.

CBS has just entered into an agreement with Mannheim Business School at the University of Mannheim in Germany on a so-called double degree.

- The agreement provides the opportunity for a unique combination of a technically focussed education within information technology at Mannheim and a much more business-oriented education at CBS, explains Jacob Nørbjerg, head of the Department of Informatics.

Double up on opportunities, networks, and challenges

Jacob Nørbjerg hopes that places on the English-language course will be in great demand. The target group is students that are seeking extra challenges and feel like moving abroad for a period of time. Students will spend the first year at CBS and after this they will move to Mannheim to complete the Master’s degree.

20 percent greater workload

- The students gain a strong advantage because their professional challenges, network, and opportunities to achieve an inter-cultural competence will be significantly greater than otherwise. But they also have to be aware that the workload is approximately 20 percent more than a normal Master’s degree programme, says Jacob Nørbjerg.

The first students can apply for a place in autumn 2009 and initially there will be places for 10 Danish students. This also means that CBS will receive 10 German students from Mannheim Business School.

Students can get a double degree here

CBS already has agreements with a number of foreign universities. On several of the English-language courses, students have the possibility to apply for a double degree.

This applies to the following education programmes: Management of Innovation & Business Development (Bocconi), Management of Creative Business Processes (Bocconi), International Business (EGADE), and Strategic Market Creation (Bocconi).

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 22/05/2009