Nordea in Russia – a business opportunity or hot air?
Nordea has for several years been present in Eastern Europe, mainly the Baltic Region and Poland. Recently Nordea has acquired a Russian bank, with head office in Moscow.
The third CIBA event this autumn is held at Nordea with Egil Rindorf, Head of Nordic and International Corporate Banking, as speaker.
Egil will discuss why and how Nordea has taken this step, he will provide general insight into the Russian banking market and he will share with us his personal experiences from working in Eastern Europe for several years. In addition he will touch upon the general business situation in Russia and to what extent the economy is in a recession.
CIBA members Jan Lind-Hansen and Morten Giliamsen will initiate the meeting with a brief introduction to Nordea's HR function and how it supports the changes Nordea
is going through.
17.00 - 17.15. Welcome and introduction to HR processes
17.15 - 18.30. Nordea in Russia, including questions and answers
18.30 - 19.00. Networking and refreshments
Time: Wednesday the 25th November 2009 at 17:00 - 19:00
Place: Strandgade 3, 0900 Copenhagen C
Parking: Nordea has a limited number of parking spaces in front of the building. Ask the guard via the communication system at the gate.
Sign up at (under 'Aktiviteter' _ 'Næste arrangement') or via CIBA secretary Katja Tingleff - e-mail, phone 38 15 28 39 - latest by Wednesday 18th 2009. We look very much forward to an exciting evening!
Participation is for members only. (CIBA membership fee: 2009 graduates DKK 100 for the remaining of 2009, students DKK 100 per year, others DKK 500 per year).