The students' first course: Social responsibility

Profit, child labour and responsibility is the first item on the agenda for the new bachelor students.


Profit, child labour and education

The message is clear. The students must learn to incorporate social responsibility into their new role as students and in their future job.

- The way we run our businesses has changed. Profit is still a primary objective, but the way we profit has changed. It is about climate changes, child labour, human rights, social responsibility, ethics, moral and ultimately it is about something as simple as trust in companies, says Jonas Eder- Hansen, project manager for responsible management education at CBS.

CBS has invited Danish executives and inspirators to the event, for example Christian Stadil, CEO for Hummel, Tania Ellis, author, and Simon Boas, CSR Manager for Carlsberg. Together with a number of researchers, they will share their thoughts on responsible management.

IT Factory business case

The students will also be put to the test, as they are going to be presented to a number of ethical and moral dilemmas in a fictive case about the auditing firm KPMG and their involvement in the scandal of the Danish IT company IT Factory's leasing scam.

- It is the second year in a row that we hold the Responsibility Day for the new first-year students. And we can see a huge increase in the number of students who have become interested in this day. The event has been very well received among the staff at CBS, in the business sector and among voluntary organisations, says Jonas Eder-Hansen.

The UN principles for Responsible Management Education

In 2008, CBS signed the UN principles for Responsible Management Education – PRME. The initiative is based on the idea that the seeds for the future responsible managers must be sown already during their education.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/09/2010