New guest professor at ICM
Dennis K. Mumby is Professor and Chair of Communication Studies at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, and a Fellow of UNC’s Institute for the Arts and Humanities.
His research focuses on the relationships among discourse, power, gender, and organizing. He has published 5 books and over 50 articles in the area of critical organization studies, and has published in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Management Communication Quarterly, Communication Monographs, and Discourse & Society. He is past chair of the Organizational Communication Division of NCA, and a 5-time winner of the division’s annual research award.
Most recently, he served as chair of the Organizational Communication Division of the International Communication Association. His most recent book is titled, Reframing Difference in Organizational Communication Studies: Research, Pedagogy, Practice (Sage, 2011).
He is the 2010 recipient of NCA’s Charles H. Woolbert Research Award.