Unique knowledge and an invaluable network

54 new graduates with the Executive MBA degree from CBS are now back in the corporate sector


54 new graduates with the Executive MBA degree from CBS are now back in the corporate sector

The 54 Executive MBAs are returning to their companies after a programme which has provided both academic and personal development, new unique knowledge and an invaluable network across industries and geographic borders.

The 54 newly minted Executive MBA's have through the past two years acquired a new and innovative business sense.

Value to the company throughout the Programme

It is a characteristic of the Executive MBA programme that the participants learn in close collaboration with the companies they work for. This means that the employee writes his/her assignments for and about the company. In this way he/she is acting as a consultant and helps create value to the company.

Managers from the transportation company DSB are enrolled in the Executive MBA programme on a regular basis. 

- It is our experience that the Executive MBA programme provides the participants with distinct and useful competences for the benefit of our company. From day one we can see, that the tools our employees have been provided with benefit specific tasks in our organisation, says Gert Frost, Managing Director of DSB S-tog.

Head of Secretariat, Aske Wieth-Knudsen, who has just graduated, says that the MBA has sharpened his skills, both academically and strategically. 

- The programme has offered me an invaluable network and has taught me how to prioritise my time. I am now able to commit to many more tasks than I was 2 years ago, he says. 

Strong networks across industries

This year's Executive MBA's are people from a vast number of different public and private organisations, different international experience and with educational backgrounds within medicine, law, finance, engineering, economics and health care.

The participants are challenged with cases and experiences from several industries, which force them to adopt a critical approach to their own company practice. The knowledge sharing in the class also creates a permanent and unique network between the managers from the represented companies.

- I chose to take an MBA because I wanted a commercial element in my job and to build on my competences within other areas. I have a law degree, which only focuses on legal issues, and I wanted a more holistic approach in my future career. The unique combination of law and the competences I have acquired have given me a profile, which I expect will make me able to hold demanding posts in the future, says Line Ljungdahl, Head of Legal at Gaslog and new graduate from the Executive MBA programme at CBS.


The 54 Executive MBA’s have been enrolled in the Flexible Executive MBA and the Cohort Executive MBA programmes. The Flexible MBA is divided into modules, so that the student has the possibility of taking a break on the way. In both programmes, the students are taught in marketing, management, supply chain management, finance, innovation, HR, globalisation and strategy. To become enrolled in the programme, the student must at least hold a bachelor degree, have four years of management experience and work in a company or organisation.. 

The typical participant in CBS' Executive MBA programme has 15 years of business experience, 8 years of management experience. The average age is 39. There are 20 % women and 15 % international students.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/11/2011