CBS Platform Directors team up in new research project on National Transport Planning

The SUSTAIN project – “National Transport Planning – Sustainability, Institutions and Tools” has been approved by the Strategic Research Council (Program committee for Transport and Infrastructure). The research funding amounts to 13,4 million DKK.


The SUSTAIN project – “National Transport Planning – Sustainability, Institutions and Tools” has been approved by the Strategic Research Council (Program committee for Transport and Infrastructure). The research funding amounts to 13,4 million DKK.


The project is lead by Steen Leleur from Denmark’s Technical University. CBS Public-Private Platform Academic Director Carsten Greve is in the SUSTAIN Management Group as well as leader of the Core Scientific Group on “Institutions”.  Carsten is joined by Mette Morsing and Susse Georg, Academic Directors of CBS Sustainability Platform, who are also members of the Core Scientific Group.



The scientific objective of the project is to help establish National Sustainable Transport Planning (NSTP) as a coherent research topic across the social and technical sciences. Through theoretical analyses, case studies and dialogue with practitioners, the project aims to advance the understanding of factors that enable and constrain the development and implementation of NSTP and to construct a practice framework for NSTP consisting of interconnected and policy relevant principles, processes and tools.

The societal objective is to promote future-oriented planning for a sustainable transport system, and to help advance a performance-based and learning-oriented approach in Denmark in accordance with international trends. More specifically the project will contribute with concepts, performance measurement frameworks, and tools that can help advance the strategic transport practice called for in parliamentary agreements and government initiatives from 2009 and onwards.


The partners involved in the project is:

DTU Transport, Copenhagen Business School, Oxford University, Nagoya University, Texas A&M, Monash University, Transport Analysis, The Danish Road Directorate, Ministry of Transport, The Danish Transport Authority, Transportøkonomisk Forening, COWI and The Triangle Region



















Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 28/02/2013