Platform affiliate Prof. Christina Tvarnø receives 2.5 million DKK research funding

Platform affiliate Prof. Christina Tvarnø receives 2.5 million DKK research funding from The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation to investigate growth and value creation through new forms of innovation collaboration and partnerships between pharmaceutical companies and universities


Public-Private Platform affiliate Prof. Christina Tvarnø from CBS Law Department receives 2.5 million DKK research funding from The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation to investigate growth and value creation through new forms of innovation collaboration and partnerships between pharmaceutical companies and universities.


The project will analyze whether foreign university-business relations and models for collaboration gives superior possibilities and incentive for innovation than the current Danish models. In the light of that the project will develop new and innovative models for the collaboration between universities and businesses in Denmark, which should help strengthen innovation and thus the potential for growth in companies.


Christina Tvarnø will act as project leader of the project that besides CBS includes Bioneer, Medicon Valley Alliance, H. Lundbeck A/S, Tectra, Copenhagen University – Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Novo Nordisk A/S as partners.


Assistant Professor Gritt Risvig Ølykke and PhD Carina Hansen from CBS Law Department will also part of the project.


The project will start in early 2012 and run for a period of two years.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 28/02/2013