Institut for Strategi og Innovation

Thomas Rønde er professor i innovation og iværksætteri. Han er ph.d. fra University Pompeu Fabra (Spanien) i 1999 og har tidligere haft ansættelser ved Københavns Universitet og Mannheim Universitet. Hans primære forskningsinteresser er innovation, organisationsøkonomi og konkurrencepolitik. Thomas Rønde har publiceret i førende tidsskrifter på tværs af forskellige områder som Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Management Science og Review of Financial Studies.
Primære forskningsområder
- Industrial organization and competition policy
- R&D competition and management of technology
Link til denne hjemmeside
- Industrial Organization (HA(mat.))
- Konkurrenceret og Industriøkonomi (HA(jur.))
Udvalgte publikationer
- Fosfuri, A., M. Motta, and T. Rønde: Foreign Direct Investments and Spillovers through Workers’ Mobility. In: Journal of International Economics, February 2001, 53, p. 205-222.
- Holthausen, C. and T. Rønde: Regulating Access to International Large-Value Payment Systems. In: The Review of Financial Studies, Winter 2002, 15, p. 1561-1586.
- Arora, A., A. Fosfuri, and T. Rønde: Managing Licensing in Markets for Technology. In: Management Science, Vol. 59, no. 5, 5.2013, p. 1092-1106.
- Henkel, J., T. Rønde, and M. Wagner: And the Winner is - Acquired : Entrepreneurship as a Contest Yielding Radical Innovations. In: Research Policy, March 2015, 44, no. 2, p. 295–310.
- Kaiser, U., H.C. Kongsted, and T. Rønde: Does the mobility of R&D labor increase innovation? In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, February 2015, 110, p. 91–105.
Publikationer sorteret efter:
I pressen
Ashish Arora; Andrea Fosfuri; Thomas Rønde / The Missing Middle : Value Capture in the Market for Startups.
I: Research Policy, Vol. 53, Nr. 3, 4.2024
I: Research Policy, Vol. 53, Nr. 3, 4.2024
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Ashish Arora; Thomas Rønde; Andrea Fosfuri / Caught In The Middle : The Bias Against Startup Innovation with Technical and Commercial Challenges.
Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) 2022, 30 s. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper Series, Nr. 29654)
Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) 2022, 30 s. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper Series, Nr. 29654)
Working paper
Thomas Rønde; Ashish Arora; Andrea Fosfuri / Caught in the Middle : The Bias Against Startup Innovation with Technical and Commercial Challenges.
Paper presented at DRUID22 Conference, 2022
Paper presented at DRUID22 Conference, 2022
Paper > peer review
Francesco Di Lorenzo; Thomas Rønde / The Darkside of Corporate Venture Capital : A Theoretical Framework.
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . red. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 s., s. 2500 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
I: Proceedings of the Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management . red. /Sonja Taneja. Briarcliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2022, 1 s., s. 2500 (Academy of Management Proceedings)
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
Thomas Rønde; Francesco Di Lorenzo / The Darkside of Corporate Venture Capital : A Theoretical Framework.
Paper presented at DRUID21 Conference, 2021
Paper presented at DRUID21 Conference, 2021
Paper > peer review
Ashish Arora; Andrea Fosfuri; Thomas Rønde / Waiting for the Payday? : The Market for Startups and the Timing of Entrepreneurial Exit.
I: Management Science, Vol. 67, Nr. 3, 3.2021, s. 1453-1467
I: Management Science, Vol. 67, Nr. 3, 3.2021, s. 1453-1467
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Marc Bourreau; Cristina Caffarra; Zhijun Chen; Chongwoo Choe; Gregory S. Crawford; Tomaso Duso; Christos Genakos; Paul Heidhues; Martin Peitz; Thomas Rønde; Monika Schnitzer; Nicolas Schutz; Michelle Sovinsky; Giancarlo Spagnolo; Otto Toivanen; Tommaso Valletti; Thibaud Vergé / Google/Fitbit Will Monetise Health Data and Harm Consumers
London : Centre for Economic Policy Research 2020, 13 s. (CEPR Policy Insight, Nr. 107)
London : Centre for Economic Policy Research 2020, 13 s. (CEPR Policy Insight, Nr. 107)
Working paper
Jens Leth Hougaard; Thomas Rønde / Benchmarking af fjernvarmesektoren
Frederiksberg : Dansk Energi 2018, 13 s.
Frederiksberg : Dansk Energi 2018, 13 s.
Niels Vestergaard; Thomas Rønde; Virpi Kristina Tuunainen; Tooraj Jamasb; Sally Dibb; Marie-Thérèse Claes; Friederike Wall / Evaluation of the Social Sciences in Norway : Report from Panel 6 – Economic-administrative Research Area.
Lysaker : Forskningsrådet 2018, 246 s.
Lysaker : Forskningsrådet 2018, 246 s.
Rapport > peer review
Joachim Henkel; Thomas Rønde / High Risk or Low Cost : Dichotomous Choices of R&D Strategy by Startups in Markets for Technology.
Paper presented at DRUID18 Conference, 2018
Paper presented at DRUID18 Conference, 2018
Paper > peer review
Ashish Arora; Andrea Fosfuri; Thomas Rønde / Waiting for the Payday? : The Market for Startups and the Timing of Entrepreneurial Exit.
London : Centre for Economic Policy Research 2018, 35 s. (Centre for Economic Policy Research. Discussion Papers, Nr. DP12724) (National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper Series, Nr. 24350)
London : Centre for Economic Policy Research 2018, 35 s. (Centre for Economic Policy Research. Discussion Papers, Nr. DP12724) (National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper Series, Nr. 24350)
Working paper
Joachim Henkel; Thomas Rønde; Marcus Wagner / And the Winner is - Acquired : Entrepreneurship as a Contest Yielding Radical Innovations.
I: Research Policy, Vol. 44, Nr. 2, 2015, s. 295-310
I: Research Policy, Vol. 44, Nr. 2, 2015, s. 295-310
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Ulrich Kaiser; H.C. Kongsted; Thomas Rønde / Does the Mobility of R&D Labor Increase Innovation?
I: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 110, 2.2015, s. 91-105
I: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 110, 2.2015, s. 91-105
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Ulrich Kaiser; Susan J. Mendez; Thomas Rønde; Hannes Ullrich / Drug Pricing Reforms : The Danish Experience.
I: European Pharmaceutical Review, Vol. 20, Nr. 2, 2015, s. 18-19
I: European Pharmaceutical Review, Vol. 20, Nr. 2, 2015, s. 18-19
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Martin Ruckes; Thomas Rønde / Dynamic Incentives in Organizations : Success and Inertia.
I: Manchester School, Vol. 83, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 475-497
I: Manchester School, Vol. 83, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 475-497
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Ulrich Kaiser; H.C. Kongsted; Thomas Rønde / Does the Mobility of R&D Labor Increase Innovation?
Mannheim : Leibnitz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) 2014, 34 s. (ZEW Discussion Papers, Nr. 14-115)
Mannheim : Leibnitz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) 2014, 34 s. (ZEW Discussion Papers, Nr. 14-115)
Working paper
Ulrich Kaiser; Susan J. Méndez; Thomas Rønde; Hannes Ullrich / Regulation of Pharmaceutical Prices : Evidence from a Reference Price Reform in Denmark.
I: Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 36, 7.2014, s. 174-187
I: Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 36, 7.2014, s. 174-187
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Joachim Henkel; Thomas Rønde; Marcus Wagner / And the Winner is – Acquired : Entrepreneurship as a Contest with Acquisition as the Prize.
Paper presented at Economic Seminar Series, October 2013, 2013
Paper presented at Economic Seminar Series, October 2013, 2013
Ulrich Kaiser; Hans Christian Kongsted; Thomas Rønde / Does the Mobility of R&D Labor Increase Innovation?
Zürich : Department of Business Administration, University of Zürich 2013, 26 s. (UZH Business Working Paper , Nr. 336)
Zürich : Department of Business Administration, University of Zürich 2013, 26 s. (UZH Business Working Paper , Nr. 336)
Working paper
Ashish Arora; Andrea Fosfuri; Thomas Rønde / Managing Licensing in a Market for Technology
I: Management Science, Vol. 59, Nr. 5, 5.2013, s. 1092-1106
I: Management Science, Vol. 59, Nr. 5, 5.2013, s. 1092-1106
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Ulrich Kaiser; Susan J. Méndez; Thomas Rønde; Hannes Ullrich / Regulation of Pharmaceutical Prices : Evidence from a Reference Price Reform in Denmark.
Bonn : IZA 2013, 29 s. (IZA Discussion Paper, Nr. 7248)
Bonn : IZA 2013, 29 s. (IZA Discussion Paper, Nr. 7248)
Working paper
Andrea Fosfuri; Thomas Rønde / Skunk Works
I: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. red. /Mie Augier ; David Teece. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2013
I: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management. red. /Mie Augier ; David Teece. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2013
Encyclopædiartikel > peer review
Chiara Fumagalli; Massimo Motta; Thomas Rønde / Exclusive Dealing : Investment Promotion May Facilitate Inefficient Foreclosure.
I: Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 60, Nr. 4, 12.2012, s. 599-608
I: Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 60, Nr. 4, 12.2012, s. 599-608
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Ashish Arora; Thomas Rønde; Andrea Fosfuri / Managing Licensing in a Market for Technology
Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) 2012, 29 s. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper Series, Nr. 18203) (Centre for Economic Policy Research. Discussion Papers, Nr. 9048)
Cambridge, MA : National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) 2012, 29 s. (National Bureau of Economic Research. Working Paper Series, Nr. 18203) (Centre for Economic Policy Research. Discussion Papers, Nr. 9048)
Working paper
Thomas Rønde; Andrea Fosfuri; Ashish Arora / Managing Licensing in a Market for Technology
I: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. red. /Leslie Toombs. Birmingham, AL : Academy of Management 2012 (Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2012)
I: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. red. /Leslie Toombs. Birmingham, AL : Academy of Management 2012 (Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol. 2012)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Ulrich Kaiser; H.C. Kongsted; Thomas Rønde / Labor Mobility, Social Network Effects, and Innovative Activity
Bonn : IZA 2011, 34 s. (IZA Discussion Paper, Nr. 5654)
Bonn : IZA 2011, 34 s. (IZA Discussion Paper, Nr. 5654)
Working paper
Ulrich Kaiser; Susan J. Mendez; Thomas Rønde / Regulation of Pharmaceutical Prices : Evidence from a Reference Price Reform in Denmark.
: Københavns Universitet 2010, 41 s.
: Københavns Universitet 2010, 41 s.
Working paper
Heiko Gerlach; Thomas Rønde; Konrad Stahl / Labor Pooling in R&D Intensive Industries
I: Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 65, Nr. 1, 2009, s. 99-111
I: Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 65, Nr. 1, 2009, s. 99-111
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Andrea Fosfuri; Thomas Rønde / Leveraging Resistance to Change and the Skunk Works Model of Innovation
I: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Nr. 72, 2009, s. 274-289
I: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Nr. 72, 2009, s. 274-289
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Ulrich Kaiser; H.C. Kongsted; Thomas Rønde / Labor Mobility and Patenting Activity
2008, 41 s.
2008, 41 s.
Working paper
Andrea Fosfuri; Thomas Rønde / Leveraging Resistance to Change and the Skunk Works Model of Innovation
Frederiksberg : Centre for Economic and Business Research, Copenhagen Business School 2007, 26 s.
Frederiksberg : Centre for Economic and Business Research, Copenhagen Business School 2007, 26 s.
Working paper
Thomas Harr; Thomas Rønde / Regulations of Banking Groups
Frederiksberg : Centre for Economic and Business Research, Copenhagen Business School 2007, s. 35
Frederiksberg : Centre for Economic and Business Research, Copenhagen Business School 2007, s. 35
Working paper
Ulrich Kaiser; Thomas Rønde / A Danish View on Software-related Patents
I: Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift, Vol. 142, Nr. 3, 2004, s. 301-313
I: Nationaløkonomisk tidsskrift, Vol. 142, Nr. 3, 2004, s. 301-313
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Andrea Fosfuri; Thomas Rønde / High-tech Clusters, Technology Spillovers, and Trade Secret Laws
København 2002, 20 s. (LEFIC Working Paper, Nr. 2002-13)
København 2002, 20 s. (LEFIC Working Paper, Nr. 2002-13)
Working paper
Cornelia Holthausen; Thomas Rønde / Regulating Access to International Large-Value Payment Systems
I: The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 15, Nr. 5, 2002, s. 1561-1586
I: The Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 15, Nr. 5, 2002, s. 1561-1586
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Massimo Motta; Thomas Rønde / Trade Secret Laws, Labor Mobility, and Innovations
København 2002, 33 s. (LEFIC Working Paper, Nr. 2002-12)
København 2002, 33 s. (LEFIC Working Paper, Nr. 2002-12)
Working paper
Flere resultater ...(i alt 36 )
Marcus Asplund; Marie Louise Mors; Thomas Rønde / Professorer: Hov Coop, hvad blev der af strategien?
I: Berlingske, 7.2.2023
I: Berlingske, 7.2.2023
Thomas Rønde; Massimo Motta; Martin Peitz; Natalia Fabra; Chiara Fumagalli; Amelia Fletcher; Christine Zulehner; Thibaud Vergé; Giancarlo Spagnolo; Christos Genakos; Frank Verboven; Justus Haucap; Tomaso Duso; Giacinta Cestone; Yannis Katsoulacos; Paul Seabright; Giacomo Calzolari; Monika Schnitzer; Volker Nocke; Markus Reisinger; Pedro Pita Barros; Juanjo Ganuza; Jacques Crémer; Yossi Spiegel; Bruce Lyon; Gerard Llobet; Konrad Stahl; Klaus Schmidt; Jose L. Moraga; Maarten Pieter Schinkel; Vincenzo Denicolò; Michele Polo; Philipp Schmidt-Dengler; Rune Stenbacka; Philippe Choné; Nicolas Schutz; Emanuele Tarantino; Otto Toivanen; Kai-Uwe Kühn; Luis Cabral; Eric van Damme / Der er brug for mere konkurrence i Europa – ikke mindre
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Year | Name of contractual partner | Type of activity |
2018 | Divisionsforeningen | Competition policy advice |
2018 - 2024 | Icelandic Competition Authority | Competition policy advice |
2018 | Danica Pension | Competition policy advice |
2018 | Dansk Energi | Analysis |
2018 - 2020 | Erhvervsstyrelsen | Analysis |
2019 - 2020 | Eniig | Competition policy advice |
2019 - 2020 | Kulturministeriet | Analysis |
2020 | Inter-American Development Bank | Research |
2020 | HusCompagniet | Competition policy advice |
2021 - 2022 | Bankdata | Competition policy advice |
2021 - 2022 | Compass-Lexecon | Consulting and marketing |
2023 | Chr. Hansen | Competition policy advice |
2023 | Lyreco | Competition policy advice |
2023 | Nuuday | Competition policy advice |
2023 | Salling Group | Competition policy advice |
2023 - 2024 | Transport Company A | Competition policy advice |
2023 | Pharmaceutical Company | Competition policy advice |
2024 | Transport Company B | Competition policy advice |