
Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura

Anker Brink
Dr. phil

Kontor: POR/18.B-2.155
E-mail: abl.bhl@cbs.dk

Before joining CBS in 2004, Anker Brink Lund was Professor of Media Sociology at the Department of Journalism (SDU), 1999-2004; Associate professor at the Department of Communication (RUC), 1978-1998; Research assistant at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR), 1978; Assistant professor at the Department of Press Research of the Danish School of Journalism (DjH) 1977-78; Assistant professor at the Department of Political Science (AU) 1976-77.

Primære forskningsområder

Valuation Theory, Civil Society Development, and Stakeholder Analysis

Curriculum Vitae
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Udvalgte publikationer

Spiral of Cynicism: Are Media Researchers Mere Observers? The International Journal of Communication Ethics 2008;5(3):33-42. (Co-Author: Gitte Meyer)

Media and Politics. In Benedikte Brincker: Introduction to Political Sociology. Hans Reitzel, 2013: 153-170 (Co-Author: Mark Black-Ørsten.

Currrent Challenges to Public Service Broadcasting in the Nordic Countries. In: Ulla Carlsson (ed): Public Service Media. Politics, Markets,Programming and Users. Nordicom, 2013:51-73 (Co-Author: Gregory Ferell Lowe).


Mest Citerede Publikationer:

Media System, Public Knowledge and Democracy: A Comparative Study.  The European Journal of Communication 2009;24(1):5-26 (Co-Authors: James Curran, Shanto Iyengar & Inka Salovaara-Moring)

Cues to Action in the Process of Changing Lifestyle. Patient Education and Counseling 1997; 30 (1): 37-51 (Co-authors: Lucette K. Meillier & Gerjo Kok)

Media Markets in Scandinavia : Political Economy Aspects of Convergence and Divergence. NORDICOM Review 2007; 28: 121-134

Domesticating the Simpsons : Four Types of Citizenship in Monitorial Democracy. Politik 2006; 9 (2): 15-25

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Anker Brink Lund; Haldor Byrkjeflot; Søren Christensen / Associative Governance in Scandinavia : Organizing Societies by “Combining Together”.
Abingdon : Routledge 2024, 303 s. (Nordic Studies in a Global Context)
Bog > peer review
Anker Brink Lund; Søren Christensen / Governing People's Homes : Organizing Housing Associatively in Scandinavia.
I: Associative Governance in Scandinavia: Organizing Societies by “Combining Together”. . red. /Anker Brink Lund; Haldor Byrkjeflot; Søren Christensen. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, s. 153-189 (Nordic Studies in a Global Context)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Søren Christensen; Anker Brink Lund; Haldor Byrkjeflot; Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen / Introduction : Scandinavian Perspectives on Associative Governance.
I: Associative Governance in Scandinavia: Organizing Societies by “Combining Together”. . red. /Anker Brink Lund; Haldor Byrkjeflot; Søren Christensen. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, s. 1-20 (Nordic Studies in a Global Context)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Søren Christensen; Anker Brink Lund; Haldor Byrkjeflot; Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen / Premises and Promises of Associative Governance
I: Associative Governance in Scandinavia: Organizing Societies by “Combining Together”. . red. /Anker Brink Lund; Haldor Byrkjeflot; Søren Christensen. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, s. 255-289 (Nordic Studies in a Global Context)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Mark Ørberg; Anker Brink Lund / Fondes rammevilkår : Aktuelle udfordringer og potentielle løsninger.
I: Erhvervsjuridisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 31, Nr. 1, 2023, s. 33-43
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Anker Brink Lund; Stine Hove Marsling / Politisk interessevaretagelse : Mere end lobbyisme og mediehåndtering.
København : Djøf Forlag 2022, 200 s.
Anker Brink Lund / Lange bølger i mediehavet 1950-1920
Frederiksberg : Center for Civilsamfundsstudier. CBS 2020, 17 s.
Gorgi Krlev; Anker Brink Lund / Social Innovation Ignored : Framing Nonprofit Activities in European News Media.
I: Voluntas, Vol. 31, Nr. 5, 10.2020, s. 949-965
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Anker Brink Lund; Katja Isa Sørensen / Bilag til procesevaluering af Akademiet for Social Innovation
Frederiksberg : Center for Civilsamfundsstudier. CBS 2019, 104 s.
Gurli Jakobsen; Anker Brink Lund / Defining "Social Economy Impact" in a Danish EU-context
I: CIRIEC 2019. Social and Solidarity Economy: Moving Towards a New Economic System: Book of Abstracts. Bucharest : Tritonic Publishing House 2019, 2 s., s. 150-151
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
Flere resultater ...(i alt 135 )
  • Den erhvervsdrivende fond CBS/Executive, 2018-19: Forskningsbaseret undervisning
  • Realdania, 2018-19: Forskning og forskningsformidling
  • Tuborgfondet, 2018-19: Forskning og forskningsformidling
  • TrygFondet, 2018-19: Forskning og forskningsrådgivning
  • Trap Danmark, 2018-19: Medieanalytisk rådgivning
  • Københavns Kommune, 2018-19: Rådgivning om biblioteksstrategi
  • Forsvarsakademiet, 2018-19: Forskningsbaseret undervisning
  • Foreningen af Tjenestemænd og Funktionærer (FTF), 2018:Forskningsbaseret undervisning
  • Odense Kommune, 2018: Rådgivning af frivilligcenter
  • Fondenes Videnscenter, 2019: Fondsanalytisk rådgivning
  • Bikubenfonden, 2019: Oplæg om fondsevaluering
  • Aarhus Universitet, 2018: Forskningsbaseret undervisning
  • Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, 2018-19: Forskningsbaseret undervisning