Conference feels the pulse of the financial crisis

Five times before, the International Risk Management Conference has brought together leading researchers and business executives from all over the world. For the first time, Denmark provides the framework for this important international conference with CBS as host


Risk and insecurity are some of today's most significant challenges. At this conference, the corporate sector meets science and vice versa. Together they will look into how financial market risks affect companies and countries with a view to finding new paths and opportunities.

Market conditions make conference relevant
Torben Juul Andersen, Professor at the Department of Strategic Management and Globalization at CBS has helped organise the conference. He is looking forward to meet leading academics and practitioners within finance, economics and strategy from all over the world at CBS and discuss how the insecure market conditions are addressed in the future:

- This conference is a unique opportunity to try to explain the financial crisis and the way the corporate sector has handled the financial challenges - seen through the eyes of prominent international researchers. The time of the conference is also very well chosen. The EU is working on the future structure for bank regulation in Europe. We give special attention to the fact that the keynotes touch upon current issues, says Torben Juul Andersen and refers to Mario Nava,
Director of the Financial Institutions Directorate in the European Commission, who will talk about the initiatives to regulate the European banking industry. Lars Rohde, Governor of the Danish Nationalbank, will also comment on this situation.

A mission to benefit more from research
The mission of the conference is to put new insight from research within finance, economics and strategic management into a current context. This year, the two main themes ”Enduring financial stability” and ”Contemporary challenges in risk management and governance” are debated by researchers and business executives from Danske Bank, Clarsberg, Nordea, LEGO, etc. Professor Richard A. Bettis (UNC – Chapel Hill, USA) will discuss how business executives address insecure business conditions for their own benefit. Professor Hersh Shefrin (Santa Clara, USA) will kick off a debate on how human behaviour causes financial crises.

The conference is held on 24-25 June at Solbjerg Plads.

Please contact Torben Juul Andersen for more information on the International Risk Management Conference at and +45 5346 2288.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 20/07/2018