The role of Social Science and Humanities in Horizon 2020

In 2014 the European Union will launch the 8th framework programme for research and innovation HORIZON2020 in order to secure Europe’s global competitiveness and to create jobs and growth. Horizon 2020 will focus on societal challenges, industrial leadership and internationalisation. The conference at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) will focus on the role, that Social Sciences and Humanities play both in connection to Horizon2020 and in a wider context.

Fredag, 27 september, 2013 - 14:00 to 17:30
Representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission, the industry, and the Danish Ministry for Science,
Innovation and Higher Education will take a closer look at the development of Horizon2020 and the possibilities for Social Sciences and Humanities in the new programme.  
The conference is targeting policy makers, stakeholders from the industry, authorities and universities, researchers and research administrators and journalists.  
The conference will present three panels under the following headlines:
1. Priorities in Horizon 2020
2. Industrial Leadership and Interdisciplinarity
3. The Role of Social Science and Humanities
Representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission, the industry, and the Danish Ministry for Science, Innovation and Higher Education will take a closer look at the development of Horizon2020 and the possibilities for Social Sciences and Humanities in the new programme.  
The conference is targeting policy makers, stakeholders from the industry, authorities and universities, researchers and research administrators and journalists. 
Programme of the day:
1. Welcome and opening remarks
Morten ØSTERGAARD, Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education
2. Priorities in Horizon 2020 
Prof. Teresa RIERA MADURELL, Member of the European Parliament, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and Rapporteur of Horizon 2020
Multidisciplinary Perspectives of Horizon 2020 
Octavio QUINTANA TRIAS, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation (tbc)
The Gender Aspect and Innovation
Prof. Britta THOMSEN, Member of the European Parliament , Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 
Possibilities for International cooperation in Horizon 2020
3. Industrial Leadership and interdisciplinarity
Prof. Maria Da Graça CARVALHO, Member of European Parliament, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy and Co-rapporteur of Horizon 2020. 
Industrial leadership and interdisciplinarity
Peter HØNGAARD ANDERSEN, Research Director, Lundbeck
Public Private Partnerships - Fool or Foe
4. The Role of Social Sciences and Humanities
Prof. Wolfgang Mackiewicz, Chair of the EU Commissions SSH Advisory Board in FP7, Freie Universität Berlin (tbc)
Prof. Alan IRWIN, Dean of Research, Copenhagen Business School 
Science in Society: caring for our futures in turbulent times
Prof. Vincent F. HENDRICKS, Professor for formal philosophy, University of Copenhagen 
Humanities is not a bystander – literally
David BUDTZ PEDERSEN, Co-Director and Research Fellow at the Humanomics Research Centre, Aarhus University, and Strategic Adviser to the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education
Humanities in the European Research Area: Excellence, Challenges and Cooperation
The venue takes place at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark at the BG Fonden Auditorium (SPs.01), which is situated in main hall of the building.
In order to participate at the conference please register at:
Participation is free of charge and the registration takes place after first come, first served principle. There are only 400 seats available.
Campus parking is scarce at CBS. The easiest way to get to Solbjerg Plads, from anywhere in the Copenhagen area, is by taking the Metro (from the city center direction: Vanløse) to Frederiksberg station. The white/grey campus building is situated right next to the station. 
From the airport take the Metro bound for Vanløse. This takes approx. 20 minutes.
The conference takes place at the BG Fonden Auditorium (SPs.01) which is situated in main hall of the building.
Map of the entire CBS campus (including parking areas).
Contact for enquiries about the conference:
Senior Research Adviser
Tel.: +45 3815 2224


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 20/07/2018