Frederiksberg becomes the centre of an innovative city campus

Realdania, CBS and the city of Frederiksberg Kommune will develop a new state-of-the-art international city campus. The assignment has been submitted for prequalification, and an architectural solution will be presented at the end of 2014.


By Mikael Koldby

Translation by Katrine Rask Andersen

In the past decade, Copenhagen Business School has enlarged their campus on Frederiksberg campus by stages to make room for students and researchers. Now it is time for another facelift, and CBS is looking for an innovative concept through an EU tender procedure. According to CBS' senior management, the aim is to create a unique and attractive city campus in the area next to Fasanvej metro between Søndre Fasanvej and Solbjerg Plads with teaching facilities, office and research space, an incubator environment, and green and urban areas.

- CBS is a popular business school. In future, we have to be able to offer students and staff the best framework and at the same time respect the neighbours and the city, says Peter Jonasson Pedersen, University Director.

Frederiksberg on the world map

The campus development takes place in close collaboration with the city of Frederiksberg and CBS with Realdania's support for city analysis and master plan competition. The Metro company is also involved in the project and a dialogue with the neighbours has been initiated.

- CBS has always been a pioneer when it comes to creating exciting combinations of teaching, research and student environments. For this reason we see a great potential in developing a new concept for a city-integrated campus, says Per Holten-Andersen, President of CBS. He adds:

- The aim is to create a unique, innovative, and trailblazing architecture, which boosts the synergy between campus and the city and makes the project an inspiring icon with buildings that can be customised for changing times with flexible solutions and possibilities for multi-functionality. New architectonic and sustainable concepts should be tested. In this way, the project will be a window to the world and put Frederiksberg on the world map, says Per Holten-Andersen.

Solution in 2014

A so-called EU procurement notice regarding prequalification for the competition has just been issued. The master plan competition is primarily for architects, landscape architects and city planners, preferably in cooperation with engineering companies or other professionals who can contribute to the development of an innovative, state-of-the-art, international city campus.

The competition is international and has been submitted for prequalification on 4 November 2013. The deadline for request for prequalification is 5 December 2013. The competition is two-phased, which means that the first phase is expected to result in six proposals for a new concept for a city-integrated campus. Two or three teams will advance to the next round and then participate in an individual negotiation with the caller for tenders. The winner of the master plan competition will be announced at the end of 2014.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/02/2015