CBS professor at the helm of financial journal

Ken L. Bechmann, Professor of Finance at CBS, takes over the editorial duties at the Danish academic journal Finans/Invest. His aim is to make the journal even more present in the public debate.


By Matilde Hørmand-Pallesen

CBS has won the honour of carrying on the editorial work of the 40 year old academic journal Finans/Invest. Ken L. Bechmann, Professor at the Department of Finance, has been appointed new editor-in-chief..

Bechmann has been a prolific writer for the journal, but as of 1 January, he assumes the role of editor-in-chief.

I am looking forward to carrying on the great work of this journal. The articles of Finans/Invest are often quoted in teaching contexts and recently quoted in the Rangvid Report. There is a great need for disseminating elaborate and nuanced discussions about societal problems in the finance world, says Ken L. Bechmann.

An ambitious communicator
43-year old Ken L. Bechmann takes pride in communicating research. In 2008, he was rewarded for his special dissemination abilities by The Danish Society for Education and Business (FUHU), and in 2012, he was awarded the CBS Award for Excellence in Teaching.

As editor-in-chief of Finans/Invest, he will continue the same editorial line, only with a few adjustments.

- The financial crisis has taken up a lot of space, but in future, there will be room for other themes in the journal. Finans/Invest has room for communicating the details - often, this is not the case for the daily press. By means of solidly, well-written academic texts, we are able to focus on problematic issues - and potentially set the agenda, says Ken L. Bechmann.

Journal stays independent
The current owner and editor-in-chief is Anders Grosen, Professor of Economics at Aarhus University.  As he steps down, the journal gets a new owner; the CFA Society Denmark.

Thus, the agreement with the Department of Finance at CBS ensures an editorial point of reference in an academic environment and continued independence.

About Finans/Invest
Finans/Invest disseminates facts and analyses on investment and finance. The target group of the journal includes financial analysts, investment advisers, financial decision-makers and authorities. Finans/Invest is on the so-called "authority list" prepared by the Ministry for Science, Innovation and Higher Education.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 18/12/2013