Seminar on Ethical Hacking

Dr. Maurushat will address ethical and legal aspects based on her experiences working with many ethical hackers and she will explain how 'hacktivists' have affected the political environment.

Torsdag, 25 september, 2014 - 14:30 to 16:00

Location: SPs03, Solbjerg Plads

In its traditional form, hackers were people who used clever technical solutions to solve problems. Ethical hacking is the non-violent use of a technology in pursuit of a cause, political or otherwise which is often legally and morally ambiguous. Various forms of ethical hacking share common features – they are not motivated by money, and most of them are prohibited by the law.

The first part of the 21st century will go down in history as the era when hacktivists opened governments. The line of transparency is moving by force. The twitter page for WikiLeaks demonstrates this ethos through its motto ‘we open governments’ and its location to be ‘everywhere’. Hacktivism is a form of civil rights activism in the digital age. In principle, hacktivists believe in two general but spirited principles: respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms including freedom of expression and personal privacy, and the responsibility of government to be open, transparent and fully accountable to the public.

This presentation will address ethical and legal aspects based on the presenters’ experiences working with many ethical hackers.

Dr. Maurushat lectures in the fields of cybersecurity, and law & technology. Her latest books addresses legal and ethical issues in disclosure of vulnerabilities and ethical hacking. She is on the Board of Directors for Internet Fraud Watchdog, and has keynoted and presented at many conferences.


Organizer: Jan Trzaskowski, Law Department

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/12/2017