CBS avoids redundancies

On 19 November 2014, CBS gave notice of likely large-scale redundancies. However, a large number of staff members have chosen to enter into agreements on voluntary redundancy. This means that CBS will avoid having to make remaining staff members redundant.


On 19 November 2014, CBS announced as part of a saving plan the likelihood of large-scale redundancies of up to 80 positions (academic and technical-administrative staff) to reduce expenses by DKK 60 m from 2017.

Notice in connection with mass redundancies requires initiation of preventive measures, including staff members' opportunity to negotiate and enter into agreements on voluntary redundancy schemes.
67 staff members have entered into voluntary redundancy agreements; a number substantially larger than expected.

The result is that CBS will avoid having to make remaining staff members redundant. The General Consultation Committee (HSU) has been informed of the result today 28 January 2015.

The voluntary redundancies mean that CBS' teaching resources will be under pressure in the coming years. Therefore the scope of activities and types of teaching will be adjusted to ensure that CBS will continue to deliver a broad and internationally recognised portfolio of both research and education.
For more information please contact Patrick Gram, Head of Communications, at or mobile 2993 4491.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 28/01/2015