ISUP 2019 - Programme dates

We are happy to announce the programme dates for ISUP 2019


The programme dates for ISUP 2019 are now ready:

Course period
25 June - 25 July 2019

Exam period    
Last possible day for ordinary exams is 2 August 2019

Specially for international students
Arrival Day: 21 June 2019
Welcome Day/Opening Ceremony: 22 June 2019
Introduction Day: 24 June 2019
Accommodation period:

  • Moving in date: 21 June 2019 at noon the earliest
  • Moving out date: 3 August 2019 at noon the latest

More details about the 2019 programme will be published during the fall 2018 on our website


Sidst opdateret: CBS Summer University // 04/06/2018