Yvette Lind presented at the University of Cambridge's 5th Tax Policy Conference; 'Tax Law in times of Disruption and Recovery' and at the international 4-day Tax Justice Network conference


On July 5 (2021),  Assistant Professor Yvette Lind presented her paper “A discussion on socio-economic (tax) justice amidst a pandemic”, which forms part of a larger mass of covid-19 publications by Yvette, at the University of Cambridge at their 5th Tax Policy Conference; 'Tax Law in times of Disruption and Recovery'. This work is linked to her appointment as legal expert in the task force ‘Arbejdsgruppen vedr. kompensation for indgreb som følge af epidemiloven’ for the Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs: https://em.dk/nyhedsarkiv/2021/juni/arbejdsgruppen-vedr-kompensation-for-indgreb-som-foelge-af-epidemiloven-har-afholdt-foerste-moede/?fbclid=IwAR1m7F4X-gbvLjI10Cc5PoVcrP_JHPHs8YFK7QPwzj-JksNVP6nFA0IArC4.


And on July 6 (2021), Yvette Lind also presented her paper "Political inequality between globally mobile taxpayers in an era of economic globalization", which is part of her (Tax)Citizen of the World project in which she explores the interlinking between taxation and democracy, at the international 4-day Tax Justice Network conference. For more information on this event and topic, please visit the Tax Justice Network here: https://taxjustice.net/events/tjn21/.


Sidst opdateret: CBS LAW // 22/07/2021