Ukrainian applicants
Special information for Ukrainian citizens
The content on this page is relevant for Ukrainian citizens looking to apply for a bachelor programme at CBS. We hope you, your family and your friends are safe, and we would like to express our support and solidarity in these difficult times.
On this page, you will find information about the special conditions that apply if you are a Ukrainian citizen and fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.
You will find information about:
- Residence permit in Denmark
- How to apply for a bachelor programme at CBS
- Financial aid
- General information about coming to Denmark as a Ukrainian citizen
The Danish Parliament has passed a Special Act granting Ukrainian citizens temporary residence permit in Denmark.
On the Danish Immigration Service’s official site New to Denmark, you can find detailed information in English and Ukrainian about the Act, including who can obtain a residence permit and how to apply for it. The page is continuously updated with relevant information for persons from Ukraine who wish to reside in Denmark or who are in Denmark.
Go to New to Denmark for more information about residence permit.
A residence permit under the Special Act will give you the same rights as Danish students, i.e. you will not have to pay any application or tuition fees, and you will be able to apply for the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) to get a monthly financial aid.
You do not need a Danish residence permit to be able to apply to CBS or to look into the possibility of studying at CBS.
However, you do need a Danish residence permit to be exempt from tuition fees and application fees and to be able to apply for SU.
Please note, that if you have applied for a residence permit or refugee/asylum seeker status in a different European country, there is a risk that you no longer qualify for a Danish residence permit under the Special Act. Please check the current rules for residence permit in Denmark on New to Denmark.
You apply for CBS bachelor programmes via In spite of the ongoing situation in Ukraine, we are not allowed to depart from any rules and regulations about fulfilling the entry and language requirements.
The application deadline is on the 15th of March, 12.00 noon CET.
You will need to:
- Fulfil all entry requirements
- Fulfil the language requirement
- Undergo selection for a study place at the programme, if you are qualified for admission
If you have a residence permit under the Special Act, you are:
- Exempt from paying tuition fees
- Able to apply for the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme (SU) to get monthly financial aid
If you are considering a bachelor programme at CBS, here are the steps to take:
- Consider which programme(s) may be relevant for you
- Contact us with the relevant information
1. Find the right programme for you
We recommend that you look into the different programmes and read more about the courses they offer to make sure that this is the right programme for your interests and qualifications.
At, you can find a list of all bachelor programmes at CBS.
If you need inspiration on choosing the programme that is right for you, you will find videos with information and inspiration about choosing a CBS bachelor programme at
Talk to a student guidance counsellor at CBS
You are very welcome to contact one of our student guidance counsellors to discuss what options you have at CBS according to your educational background.
Find contact information for CBS’s student guidance counsellors here
Consider other Danish universities
If you think that CBS may not be the best match for your interests and qualifications, you can contact the central Danish office for Study and Career Guidance. They have an overview of the different educational options available at other universities in Denmark, including those with available places and can help you identify bachelor programmes suitable for your qualifications and interests.
Find contact information for guidance about bachelor programmes at other Danish universities
Check the entry requirements
Please also check the entry requirements and the language requirement for the programme(s), you are interested in to get an idea of whether or not you may qualify.
At, you can find a list of the entry requirements for bachelor programmes.
To fulfil the general entry requirement you need:
- a Svidotstvo pro zdobuttia povnoi zagalnoi serednoi osvity or an Atestat pro povnu zagal’nu srednju osvitu, plus 1 year of further education at university level.
To fulfil the specific entry requirements:
- For English B: documentation that you fulfil minimum 210 hours of English as part of your upper secondary school and have passed a final exam with grades that are higher than the minimum passing grade. You also need to document that you have covered the following topics: understanding, as well as conversing and writing fluently and accurately in English in terms of grammar, spelling and punctuation; have vocabulary that enables you to engage in conversations and discussions pertaining to general, but also specific subjects e.g., cultural, or societal topics in the UK, USA, and other English-speaking countries.
- For Social Studies/History level B: documentation that you have had minimum 150 hours of Social Studies / History as part of your upper secondary school and have passed a final exam.
- For Mathematics level B: documentation that you have had minimum 250 hours of Maths, have passed a final exam and that you have covered the following topics:
statistics and probability theory; functions and equations; circular functions and trigonometry; matrices; vectors; calculus; algebra; use of IT-tools and mathematical programmes when solving mathematical problems
To qualify for an English-taught bachelor programme, you also need to meet the language requirement. This means that you need to fulfil English level A. If you do not fulfil the language requirement for English level A, you can fulfil it by:
- Taking a language test: To take a language test, you must have passed English level B with a grade point average equivalent to the Danish 6.0. You must ensure that the language test you take is approved by CBS, and that you achieve the minimum required score.
- Taking a Cambridge Exam.
You will also need to write a motivational essay for each programme. Since we cannot directly convert your GPA to the Danish system, the selection process is based on an overall assessment of your grades, the motivational essay and any extra-curricular activities.
If you’re already a bachelor student in Ukraine
If you are currently studying at a bachelor programme in Ukraine and we find you eligible for a new bachelor programme at CBS, some of your passed courses may be credit-transferred into the CBS degree, if they are a good match, content and level-wise, for courses at the CBS programme.
About documentation
We know that documentation, both in terms of entry requirements and language requirements, can be difficult under these circumstances. If you are unable to provide part of the official documentation of your qualifications, you should try to gather as much other information and documents as you are able to, to show your qualifications. We will do our utmost to help you.
We have made a verification form for applicants to fill out to show they have been taught the required amount of hours, and that they have been taught the required curriculum. It can be found on the page 'International Applicants'.
2. Contact us
Once you have found the programmes that you are interested in, please contact us at:
We will then help you with the application and documentation process.
In order for us to be able to give you the best help possible, please include the following information in your email:
- Your current location
- Your current residence status
- Your educational background
- Which programmes you are interested in
- If you have received a residence permit under the special act
Unfortunately, we do not have any CBS scholarships available for bachelor students.
However, if you qualify, you can apply for a temporary residence permit in Denmark under the Special Act. This type of permit will give you the right to apply for financial aid (SU) under the Danish State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme and benefit from the same type of aid that a Danish citizen would.
We have gathered some links, which may be useful if you are considering going to Denmark.
About coming to Denmark
On the Danish Immigration Service’s official site New to Denmark you will find information (in English and Ukrainian) about entry into Denmark, residence, medical care and much more.
You will find it here: Information for Ukrainian citizens
About studying in Denmark
The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science has put together a special site for Ukrainian citizens with all information relevant to studying in Denmark, including how to continue your education here, how to obtain recognition of Ukrainian qualifications for education or working in Denmark and much more.
You will find it here: Refugees from Ukraine - Welcome