
Meet Parnica, a student from BSc in Business Administration and Sociology

Why did I choose my programme?
I chose the BSc SOC programme because it gave me the opportunity to study how society and business interact in multiple contexts. I have always found sociology a very interesting field, and this programme is the perfect blend of business courses and theoretical sociology courses. 

What do I like the best?
I really enjoy being in an international class and discussing multiple perspectives on one situation. Each semester, the courses build upon each other in a way that truly adds more value to the application of sociological theory in the real world. For example, our class discussions, exercises and exam questions are real-world situations as well. Other than that, I really enjoy the social life at CBS as well, such as the events arranged by our programme union and CBS societies. 

What do I think is difficult?
There are some courses in the programme, such as Fundamentals of Social Theory, which discuss sociological theories that are very heavy in old English and can be a bit difficult to fully grasp in one read. So, keeping up with reading can be a challenge, along with balancing work, studies and personal life. It is not an immediate adjustment but more of a process of knowing how much and where to balance your life each semester. 

What would I have liked to have known before starting my programme?
It would have been great to know that it is okay to not always be on top of things. Another piece of advice is that it is beneficial to figure out the best study techniques that work rather than using one that does not. Use the resources at CBS, such as the career fairs, societies, and unions, to network and meet people who have been in the exact same shoes as you. 

What do I want to do after finishing my programme?
I would love to pursue a master’s in a field related to the BSc SOC and build a career that allows me to impact people in a beneficial way.  

If I could give myself a piece of advice, before starting it would be…
Some advice I would give myself is that it is okay to take breaks and slow down from time to time, and to know that for everyone, the adjustment to university life is unique. So, just take things step by step and it will all fall into place. 

Sidst opdateret: Web editor - Student Communications // 10/09/2024