Isha - Japanese track

Meet Isha, a student from BSc in Business, Asian Language and Culture - International Business in Asia

Why did I choose my programme?     
I have had an interest in Japan since I was little. My interest deepened as I grew and got exposed to Anime, Manga, Japanese cuisine and most importantly Japanese stationary. This interest soon became a motivation to learn the language and understand the culture. After leaving DTU and working for a couple of years, I found myself on IBA at CBS. It has been the best decision I have made, as I find it to be the perfect fit.  

What do I like the best?     
I enjoy the exposure to a different culture, both about Japan but also how unique our programme is at CBS. We get to connect with CBS and KU, while immersing oneself in a language and deepening one's knowledge in business has been great fun. 

What do I think is difficult?     
The most difficult challenge has been learning the language. I do not have experience in learning languages, so this has been hard. Especially as it is a completely different script to English or Danish. It is challenging, and I do not want to sugarcoat it, however our teachers are amazing and will help you through it. Remembering that you are not the first one to struggle nor are you alone in the challenge, is reassuring. 

What would I have liked to have known before starting my programme?     
Before beginning IBA, I would have liked to have better understood the challenge and pace of learning Japanese. Learning Hiragana and Katakana before the first week of university is a great start. It may seem overwhelming at the start how much will be done and covered but be assured YOU CAN DO IT! 

What do I want to do after finishing my programme?     
I, personally, would like to do something that involves trade, business with Japan. A job that allows me to travel and get involved with Japanese stationery. To achieve this, I plan to do a master’s following my bachelor’s. I do not know which one. 

If I could give myself a piece of advice, before starting it would be…     
Be assured that you can do it. There is a lot to do and a new routine to discover for yourself. Your classmates, Senpais (upperclassmen) and teachers are all there to help. Remember to enjoy your time, relax and live in the moments. Get ready to embark on the journey of learning Japanese! 

Sidst opdateret: Web editor - Student Communications // 05/07/2024