
Meet Timo, a student from Finance and Strategic Management

Why did I choose my programme (and CBS)?
I decided to choose the master’s in Finance and Strategic Management because it is a unique, equally weighted mix of both financial and strategic courses.

Aside from the specific study programme, CBS was on top of my list anyways. Not only Copenhagen with its outstanding living standard but also the mix of international and Scandinavian students, the university’s reputation within and outside of Denmark and the corporate partners convinced me.

What do I like the best?
It’s the people! Our teachers are all highly motivated and some of them even leading international academics in their field with major publications. Our CBS staff is very helpful with whatever issue  occurs and available either via phone, email or in-person. And, finally, our fellow students have proven themselves being the top of the notch, which has definitely benefited my motivation, my critical thinking and challenging and the development of my problem solving skills.

How do I experience the difference in academic level between my bachelor and master programme?
Through my bachelor programme in finance and accounting in Germany, I believe that I was very well prepared from an analytical perspective. The finance courses certainly need some pre-knowledge, but throughout the first weeks of the 1st semester, the teachers try to bring everybody to the same level.

For the strategy courses, I undeniably felt a difference. The readings shifted from Harvard Business Review in the bachelor’s to more theoretical, SMJ or Journal of Management articles in master’s. Yet, the additional effort was manageable.

What are the biggest challenges in my programme?
Reflecting back, I see two major challenges I encountered. The first year required a lot from me as an international student: get used to the Danish culture (and weather), understand the teachers’ expectations, but also find a fair work-study-life balance. 

The other challenge regards the second year. There is nearly an infinite amount of options. It took me a while, but I finally decided to go on exchange instead of choosing a minor at CBS or joining the CEMS double degree programme.

What would I have liked to have known before starting my programme?
That there is much more to campus than just Graduate House. Because all courses during the first year were held at Graduate House, my fellow (international) students and me spent little time in the other buildings. Honestly, now while writing my master’s thesis, I figured out: Dalgas Have isn’t even that bad! Kilen is great for a quick group meeting. And Solbjerg Plads has some cool spots for learning and hanging out as well.

What do I want to do after finishing my programme?
After completing my bachelor’s in finance where I took any available finance course out there, my current plan is a huge plot-twist: I want to do strategy! Currently, I am working in internal strategy at a quite young company but could likewise imagine switching perspectives and join one of the big consulting houses for external strategy work.

It was the master’s programme and my professional experience that have shown me: crunching numbers is fun. But bringing numbers into a business context to shape the future is where my passion lays.

If I could give myself a piece of advice, before starting it would be…
CBS is more than a place for studying and writing exams. There are so many social and professional events organised throughout the year, sometimes with and sometimes without corporate partners. In addition, there are student clubs for nearly every hobby you could ever imagine. I would suggest myself to push myself a little further outside my comfort zone. Why not starting a new sport? Or joining an expert presentation about psychology or biotech?

Sidst opdateret: Web editor - Student Communications // 11/07/2023