Podcasts fra Copenhagen Business School

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Vi Hører Stemmer

Nogle stemmer lyder vildt lækre, og andre får dig til at slukke. Vi taler og taler, men aldrig om det vi taler med - nemlig stemmen!

Ledelse af Køn

Hvilke barrierer møder kvinder i ledelse? I Ledelse af Køn guider vi dig gennem forskellige perspektiver barrierer for kvinder i ledelse med fokus på den tværfaglige forskning.

CBS Executive Talks

CBS Executive Talks er en podcastserie med fokus på aktuelle emner og tendenser inden for ledelse.

CBS Sustain

The urgent need to mitigate climate change, which is goal no. 13 in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, has led to an increased focus on sustainability and green transition within the social sciences. Research is now focusing on how climate neutrality can be reached, and how various forces can be mobilized and organized locally as well as internationally. In this podcast series, researchers involved in green transition projects will focus on sectors important to the green transition: Food, life science, energy, the public sector, etc. For each sector, the researchers will focus on specific managerial and governmental challenges that arise from translating abstract climate goals into tangible solutions. Based on their research, they will present knowledge about green transition, which they intend to develop and discuss in ways that are helpful to different types of actors such as entrepreneurs, managers, universities, public institutions, and corporations. This podcast series has been developed and recorded in collaboration with researchers and a podcast host at The Department of Organization, also called IOA, at Copenhagen Business School.

Find the podcast here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Host: Marianne Kellmann, IOA 

Production team IOA:  Stine Haakonsson, Susanna Kugelberg, Marianne Kellmann, Emil Munk

Organisationers Verden

Vi lever i en verden af organisationer. Igennem hele livet er vi omgivet af organisationer, som hjælper os, uddanner os, giver os arbejde, sælger os varer og lægger os i graven. Men hvad ved vi egentlig om organisationer sådan helt generelt? Hvad vil det fx sige, at organisationer har en særlig struktur eller en bestemt kultur? Hvordan ledes og motiveres medlemmerne af en organisation? Og hvilken påvirkning har det omkringlæggende samfund? Serien er en gennemgang af organisationsteoriens klassikere. Det vil sige, at vi starter med at gennemgå teorier, der er over 100 år gamle, og bevæger os derfra op gennem historien og slutter med mere nutidige diskussioner om kultur, læring, beslutning, entreprenørskab, magt og modstand i organisationer. Organisationers Verden er udviklet og produceret af forskere og en podcast vært tilknyttet Institut for Organisation – også kaldet IOA – på Copenhagen Business School.

Find podcasten her: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Vært: Marianne Kellmann, IOA

Produktionshold, IOA: Emil Husted, Peter Holm Jacobsen, Marianne Kellmann, Emil Munk

The Business of Society

I denne podcast deler, diskuterer og reflekterer vi over CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) og bæredygtighedsrelaterede problemstillinger gennem samtaler med forskere og praktikere. Podcasten sigter efter at inspirere mennesker til at reflektere over og tage del i diskussionen om en overgang til mere bæredygtige praksisser for organisationer og regeringer samt for dig og mig.

Hvis du vil lære mere om vores arbejde, kan du besøge hjemmesiden eller følge vores Business of Society blog eller LinkedIn.

Find podcasten her: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Vært: Sarah Netter.

Big Questions Little Time

Welcome To Big Questions Little Time – Conversations on Sustainable Development!

We can all agree that we need to find solutions to the societal challenges we are faced with, and we need to find them now! But how do we do that?

The Centre for Business and Development Studies and the CBS Sustainability Centre have joined forces to bring in international thought leaders, from a wide variety of fields and disciplines. Following the same structure for each episode, we wish to critically explore if, how, and under which conditions any given approach can bring about change and sustainable development. 

Big Questions Little Time refers not only to the urgency for us to find possible solutions to the challenges we are facing, but also the 20-30 minute time frame for each episode. 

Producer & Host: Sarah Netter

Listen to the podcast here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Cirkulær Mode

Cirkulær mode er en forskningspodcast om dit og mit tøjforbrug og hvordan den cirkulære omstilling kan lykkes.

Vi elsker mode, vi elsker tøj. Men mode- og tekstilbranchen, vores tøjforbrug, er ikke bæredygtig i længden. Hvis vores forbrug skal påvirke jordens klima og vores miljø mindre, så er vi nødt til at ændre vores måde at udvikle, producere og forbruge. Men hvordan gør vi det? 

Mange er efterhånden overbevist om, at netop cirkulær økonomi er vejen frem, hvis vi vil væk fra vores brug-og-smid-væk mønstre. Cirkulær økonomi er dog stadig en ret kompleks størrelse og langt fra en realitet. Så hvad skal der egentlig til for at omstillingen lykkes?

Ved hjælp af samtaler med forskere, praktikere, og almindelige forbrugere prøver jeg at blive klogere på, hvad cirkulær økonomi egentlig kan og hvad der skal til for os at lykkes med at omstille vores samfund. Podcasten tager hul på en række emner, som er væsentlige led i det cirkulære maskinrum såsom forbrugeradfærd, digitalisering, forretningsmodeller osv.

Hvis du har idéer til emner eller ønsker til sæson 2, send mig en mail på sustainability@cbs.dk

Ros og konstruktive forslag modtages også gerne. Og hvis du vil give Cirkulær Mode en god anmeldelse i din podcastapp, vil det være fantastisk.

Podcasten er finansieret af CBS Circularity initiativet på Copenhagen Business School: https://www.cbs.dk/sustainability

Vært: Sarah Netter

Find podcasten her: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Business in Development

Welcome to The Business in Development Podcast; a podcast brought to you by the Centre for Business and Development Studies at Copenhagen Business School.

With this podcast, we wish to bring you the latest insights from our research on the roles of business, government, and civil society in promoting inclusive and sustainable development in the global South. 

In each episode, you will meet one of our colleagues and their guests, who will present their take on pressing development issues. With this podcast, we wish to create a platform for a wide variety of actors and to combine conversations with thought leaders, practitioners, world-leading experts, and voices from the field. 

Thank you for listening to this podcast. In order to improve our podcast and reach those who can benefit from our podcast, we really appreciate your input and help, in the form of reviews and likes. If you simply wish to stay in the loop or participate, please subscribe to our podcast or follow us on our website, our blog, or LinkedIn.

This podcast is funded by the Centre for Business and Development Studies at Copenhagen Business School. 

Producer & Host: Sarah Netter

Listen to the podcast here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

In Honour of...

In this podcast you will get to know the Honorary Doctors of Copenhagen Business School, who are some of the most renowned scholars in the world. What motivates them? What does their research tell us about the world today? And what are the next big question they will pursue the answer to?

Listen to the podcast here: Apple Podcasts, Spotify.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 14/01/2025