Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura
- Governance, Culture & Learning Unit
Luisa Teresa Hedler
+46 736834063
Luisa Hedler is a legal sociologist who received her PhD from Copenhagen Business School. Her dissertation, “Time, Law and Tech: The Introduction of Algorithms to Courts of Law” examines the demands on time, efficiency and risk that are posed by the integration of algorithms into the Judiciary, through a case study of Brazilian courts.
Dr. Hedler is currently a postdoctoral fellow within the ERC-funded research project “Global Value Chain Law: Constituting Connectivity, Contracts and Corporations (GLOBALVALUE)” at the Department of Business Humanities and Law at Copenhagen Business School. Within her project, which is led by Prof. Poul F. Kjær, she will focus on tracing contemporary global value chain practices. Her case study of international trade fairs will investigate them both as a site of a temporally-intensive and compressed value chain on themselves, but also as a site where accounts of their respective value chains are constructed, negotiated and generally communicated about.
She is currently co-chair of the Social and Legal Systems Working Group at the European Research Committee of Sociology of Law (RCSL).
Primære forskningsområder
- Law and Technology
- Sociology of Law and Legal Theory
- International Law and Human Rights
- Temporality
- Social Systems Theory
- Post-Colonial analysis of Global Value Chains
Curriculum Vitae
Sociale medier
Link til denne hjemmeside
- The Company in a Contextual Perspective, BSc in Business Administration and Sociology
- Bachelor Projects and Master Thesis
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Luisa Hedler / Continuities and Disruptions in the National Council of Justice’s Strategy of AI implementation in Brazil : The Data-seafarers of Justice 4.0.
I: International Journal of Law in Context, Vol. 20, Nr. 4, 12.2024, s. 617-634
I: International Journal of Law in Context, Vol. 20, Nr. 4, 12.2024, s. 617-634
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Luisa Hedler / Risk and Danger in the Introduction of Algorithms to Courts : A Comparative Framework Between EU and Brazil.
I: Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 14, Nr. 5, 10.2024, s. 1315-1336
I: Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Vol. 14, Nr. 5, 10.2024, s. 1315-1336
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Dorothea Endres; Luisa Hedler; Kebene Wodajo / Bias in Social Media Content Management : What do Human Rights Have to do With it?.
I: AJIL Unbound, Vol. 117, 2023, s. 139-144
I: AJIL Unbound, Vol. 117, 2023, s. 139-144
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Luisa Hedler / Time, Law, and Tech : The Introduction of Algorithms to Courts of Law.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2023, 208 s. (PhD Series, Nr. 17.2023)
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2023, 208 s. (PhD Series, Nr. 17.2023)
Luisa Hedler / Transformation af retten gennem algoritmer : Effektivitet og tid.
I: Transformationens politik: Ledelse af tidens udfordringer. . red. /Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen; Dorthe Pedersen; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Jette Sandager. København : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2023, s. 73-84
I: Transformationens politik: Ledelse af tidens udfordringer. . red. /Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen; Dorthe Pedersen; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Jette Sandager. København : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2023, s. 73-84
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Luisa Hedler / Algorithms, Efficiency and the Two Faces of Courts : A Case Study of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ).
I: Soziale Systeme, Vol. 26, Nr. 1-2, 2022, s. 370-395
I: Soziale Systeme, Vol. 26, Nr. 1-2, 2022, s. 370-395
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Luisa Teresa Hedler Ferreira; Maj Grasten / Law’s Lolita Paradox : Translating ‘Childhood’ in Statutory Rape Jurisprudence.
I: Australian Feminist Law Journal, Vol. 47, Nr. 2, 2021, s. 229-249
I: Australian Feminist Law Journal, Vol. 47, Nr. 2, 2021, s. 229-249
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Cristina Luisa Hedler; Luisa Hedler / Liderança das Mulheres na Administração Pública
I: O Poder Feminino: Entre percursos e desafios. . red. /Herta Rani Teles Santos; Juliana Pita Guimarães. Belo Horizonte : Arraes 2021
I: O Poder Feminino: Entre percursos e desafios. . red. /Herta Rani Teles Santos; Juliana Pita Guimarães. Belo Horizonte : Arraes 2021
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Ny undersøgelse: Ph.d.-studerende drømmer om en forskerkarriere - men ser pessimistisk på fremtidsudsigterne
17/03/2022 // Forskerforum, Sektion 1 Side 6 // Claus Baggersgaard
Ny undersøgelse: Ph.d.-studerende er nervøse for at dele deres viden i den offentlige debat
21/06/2021 // // Lise Richter