Minister visits CBS conference about education of the future

Minister for Higher Education and Science Tommy Ahlers visits CBS for the first time as minister, where he will be giving a speech at a European conference about future education at business schools.


Tommy Ahlers
Photo: Kim Vadskær

Friday 8 June the new Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science Tommy Ahlers  (Liberal-Democratic Party) will visit CBS and a conference about future education at business schools, which CBS is hosting in collaboration with the European organisation European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD).  It is the first time Tommy Ahlers is visiting CBS since he was appointed minister.

Per Holten-Andersen, President of CBS, is excited to welcome the new minister on campus:
”We are looking forward to welcoming our new minister at CBS. He has an exciting profile embedded in the start-up environment and it fits well with our mindset. And now we are granted the opportunity to discuss education of the future with colleagues from business schools all over Europe. It is going to be very interesting”, says Per Holten-Andersen.

The conference takes place from Thursday to Friday. The minister will visit CBS Friday to give the closing speech 12:10-12:30.

See the conference programme here

For more information about the minister’s visit, please contact Trine Søndergaard, Press Consultant at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science at: or tel. +45 7231 8009 or contact Mikael Koldby, Press Manager at CBS, at:

NOTICE: Livestream of conference Friday

For more information about the conference and participation, please contact Mia Cudrio Thomsen, Senior Advisor at CBS at: and mobile phone: +45 25701855.



Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/10/2019