Associate Professorship in Maritime Economics and Management

Copenhagen Business School’s Department of Strategy and Innovation (SI) invites applications for vacant position in international shipping/maritime economics and management with a focus on strategy and innovation. Expected starting date is 1 January 2025. 

Indicative job duties and responsibilities

SI wishes to strengthen its research and teaching in strategy and innovation within the maritime domain. The new associate professor shall conduct high quality research and take the international shipping industry as the main empirical context for the research activities. 

The associate professor will teach in the BSc program in International Shipping and Trade, which is the only program of its kind in Northern Europe. The program educates students for jobs in commercial and analytical functions in a wide range of shipping and maritime companies. The program enjoys a solid reputation in shipping and is amongst the most popular BSc programs at CBS. The associate professor will teach in the program and supervise BSc projects, focusing on disciplines such as strategy and innovation with a special focus on the context of international shipping. The associate professor will also support the International Shipping and Trade program’s study environment and the newly established alumni network, which will organize events for students and alumni. 

SI’s research is focused on strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship, and international business. The department’s ambition is to host an internationally leading environment for research and teaching within the broad area of strategy. The department’s research is generally cross-disciplinary. Faculty members have backgrounds in management, economics, sociology, and economic geography. The theoretical foundation for research in these areas is eclectic, combining strategy, innovation, and/or internationalization theory with insights from economics, sociology, psychology, and economic geography.  

The number of staff at the department is approximately 80. This includes about 45 faculty members (professors, associate professors, tenure track assistant professors), 7 administrative staff, and 30 members of staff who are hired on temporary contracts as research assistants, post docs or PhD students.   

The department is strongly involved in CBS Maritime, an interdisciplinary initiative across several departments, and is also heavily involved in the BSc program in International Shipping and Trade. 

Information about the department may be found at


  • Teach and supervise in the BSc program in International Shipping and Trade. 
  • Conduct research in strategy and innovation, with predominant empirical focus on international shipping/maritime economics and management. 
  • Publish research results in high impact academic journals. 
  • Actively participate in and organize research activities, seminars, workshops and conferences at CBS Maritime and the Danish Maritime Research Alliance. 
  • Communicate research findings to the public in general and to firms in the Blue Denmark in particular.


To qualify for an associate professor position, we seek candidates who can demonstrate a well-established research profile. Special emphasis will be put on a strong record of research publications at the highest international level, and experience in curriculum development and documented teaching skills. Candidates must be capable of providing dynamic leadership in the development of research and teaching, in securing external research funding, and in establishing strong ties with industry.

Applicants must hold a PhD degree or have equivalent qualifications on the time of appointment. Emphasis is placed on the applicant’s research potential, which means that a researcher with a large research potential may be preferred to a researcher with a large research production.

Applicants with no prior research in the field of maritime economics may also apply for the position, and are required to include a research plan, detailing current and planned research and publications. 


The application must be sent via the electronic recruitment system, using the link below. 

The application must include: 

  • A cover-letter.
  • Proof of qualifications and a full CV.
  • Documentation of relevant, significant, original research at an international level, including publications in the field’s internationally recognized journals. Please provide a complete numbered list of papers/publications (indicating titles, co-authors, page numbers and year) with an * marking of the academic productions to be considered during the review. A maximum of 10 papers for review are allowed. Applicants are requested to prioritize their publications in relation to the field of this job advertisement. Only publications written in English (or another specified principal language, according to research tradition) or one of the Scandinavian languages will be taken into consideration.
  • Copies of the academic papers marked with an *.
  • Documentation of pedagogical qualifications or other material for the evaluation of their pedagogical level.
  • Information indicating experience in research management, industry co-operation and international co-operation.

Recruitment procedure 

The Recruitment Committee will shortlist minimum two applicants; when possible, five or more applicants will be shortlisted. The shortlisted applicants will be assessed by the Assessment Committee. All applicants will be notified of their status in the recruitment process shortly after the application deadline. 

The applicants selected for assessment will be notified about the composition of the Assessment Committee and later in the process about the result of the assessment. 

Once the recruitment process is completed, each applicant will be notified of the outcome of their application. 

Copenhagen Business School must receive all application material, including all appendices (see items above), by the application deadline. 

Details about Copenhagen Business School are available at

For further information on this position, please contact

Application due: 1 June 2024.

Ansøgningsfrist: 1. juni 2024.

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CBS er et globalt anerkendt businessuniversitet med dybe rødder i den nordiske, socioøkonomiske model. Vi har et bredt fokus på erhvervslivets og samfundets udfordringer i det 21. århundrede. Derfor har vi en samlet portefølje af tværfaglig forskning og uddannelse af høj kvalitet, der har styrket generationer af fagfolk og ledere i den private sektor og andre steder.

Universitetet ligger på Frederiksberg og har ca. 20.000 fuldtids- og deltidsstuderende, 800 fuldtidsansatte videnskabelige medarbejdere, 200 ph.d.-studerende og 700 administrative medarbejdere samt en portefølje af bachelor-, kandidat-, MBA/EMBA-, ph.d.-og efter-/videreuddannelser udbudt på både dansk og engelsk.

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