Research Festival: Blues and management – leadership that powers creativity

How can managers release their employees’ creativity? Find out during an evening at Jazzhouse, when a group of blues musicians, philosophers and management researchers address this question through research and music.

Monday, April 25, 2016 - 19:00 to 22:00

Illustration: Jorid Sletterød

CBS would like to take the opportunity to draw attention to music and management during the research festival, Forskningens Døgn.

“Blues and management – leadership that powers creativity” will take place on 25 April 2016 at Jazzhouse. Guests interested in management, creativity and music are invited for a Monday evening treat with a blues concert and a presentation of new research.

Among the speakers are Professor Ole Kirkeby from the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at CBS. Pointing out the huge demand for creativity and innovation, he emphasises that managers ought to seek inspiration in the interplay that exists between the members of a band, stating:

“In light of the increasing focus on innovation and citizen participation from all corners of society, experiences with musical ensembles are key. This applies both to understanding the new expectations and to the ability to practice empathetic management”. Kirkeby, a management expert, stresses that emulating this dynamic in the workplace is worthwhile:

“The co-creation of music gives coincidence a chance, for example, as improvisation, participatory listening, anticipation and the amplification of themes and concepts, variation, performance and fulfilment. At Jazzhouse we’ll use this deep connection to the power of our minds – that blues has – to make this actuality audible and visible.”

This event is based on the book Blues and management: From good to great, leadership that creates and powers creativity (2015). The book’s two co-authors, Niels Arvid Sletterød, PhD, and blues musician Rune Myhren, will give a presentation. Myhren will also perform with four experienced musicians from Blues Jamboree, who will set management theory to sound.

Register for Blues and management – leadership that powers creativity (limited spaces available).

For more information please contact the Vice Dean of Research Communication Flemming Poulfelt at:

Time and place:
25-04-2016,  19:00-22:00
Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10
DK-1153 Copenhagen K

19:00: The doors open at Jazzhouse
20:00-20:05: Welcome by the Vice Dean of Research Communication Flemming Poulfelt
20:00-20:30: Blues Jamboree play
20:30-21:00: Niels Arvid Sletterød, PhD, and blues musician Rune Myhren talk about why blues and management fit together, and about the unique attributes of blues (in English):
21:00-21-30: Blues Jamboree play
21:30-21:50: Professor Ole Fogh Kirkeby talks about art and management in general and will focus specifically on music and management (in Danish)
21:50-22:00: Poetry and blues

Ole Fogh Kirkeby, PhD, professor. Copenhagen Business School
Ole Fogh Kirkeby

Norske Niels Arvid Sletterød, PhD, blues musician and has 30 years of experience as a researcher at Trøndelag R & D Institute, Norway

Norske Rune Myhren, blues musician with 25 years’ experience, culture and organisation developer and has worked with middle and executive management in large and small companies. Previously Country Manager for Nokia, Norway.

Blues Jamboree band members:
Svante Sjøblom - vocals/acoustic guitar
Peter Nande - vocals/harmonica/percussion
Paul Banks - vocals/acoustic guitar
Rune Myhren - vocals/harmonica/percussion
Troels Jensen - vocals/piano

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017