Responsibility from the very start at CBS

For the sixth year straight, the new bachelor students had their start at CBS with 'Responsibility Day'. More than two thousand students discussed the balance between bottom line and responsibility together with CBS management.


On Tuesday the new study year was officially kicked off at Falkoner Salen. Per Holten-Andersen, President, and the rest of CBS' Senior Management met new bachelor students to set the right course from the start together with the student organisation CBS Students. An education at CBS is not only about business and bottom line, but equally about social responsibility and sustainability.

Before the programme for the day began, the 2100 expectant students also had an opportunity to briefly meet the President, shake hands, and find a seat in the packed Falkoner Salen.

After a welcome from the President and then from CBS Students, the programme continued with a panel debate between the Senior Management, CBS Students and the audience.

The debate on what responsibility really means for a CBS students was then - true to tradition - exemplified with a case, which the participants spent some of the day going over and discussing. This year it was Ruby Cup, a new business started from CBS, which has focused on promoting the so-called  ”menstrual cup” while also considering responsibility, e.g. by donating an equivalent product to girls in Kenya for each sale made.

Responsibility Day is an offshoot of the UN's Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME), which CBS has joined and is making efforts to integrate in the study programmes.

What is Responsibility Day
Responsibility Day is a collaboration between the Dean of Education, the bachelor programme directors, and the intro guides. It is coordinated by the CBS Office for Responsible Management Education. The event takes all day. Each programme meets in the morning and gather for a presentation of CBS later. In addition to being an introduction and welcome to all new bachelor students, Responsibility Day is held especially to create an awareness of social responsibility, ethics and sustainability in both the business community and the university sector.

Read more about PRME

Read more about Ruby Cup

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017