
Department of Finance

  • Center for Financial Frictions
  • Center for Statistics
Cand.scient, Academic Director for BSc and MSc in Business Administration and Mathematical Business Economics (HA(mat.) and Cand.merc.(mat.)), Center for Statistics

Kontor:  SOL/A4.21

Applications and development of mathematical statistical methods within business economics. Main interests are event history analysis  and analysis of categorical longitudinal data. Further, I study measures of efficiency in productivity analysis.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Applied Statistics
  • Statistical methods in efficiency analysis
  • Benchmarking
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Cand.merc (mat): Stochastic Processes and their Statistical Analysis

Andre undervisningsaktiviteter

Director for BSc and MSc in Business Administration and Mathematical Business Economics (HA(mat.) and Cand.merc.(mat.)).

Udvalgte publikationer
  • Asmild, M., Kronborg, D., and K. Matthews (2016).Introducing and modelling inefficiency contributions European Journal of Operational Research 248, pp. 725-730 DOI information: 10.1016/j.ejor.2015.07.060
  • Kronborg, D. and Thomsen, S. (2009). Foreign Ownership and Long-term Survival. Strategic Management Journal, 30, 207-219.
  • Asmild, M., Hougaard, J.L., Kronborg, D. (2013). Does the Distribution of Efficiency Scores Depend on the Input Mix? Annals of Operations Research,  211 (1), 37-48
  • Asmild, M., Hougaard, JL. , Kronborg, D. and Kvist, HK. (2003). Measuring Inefficiency Via Potential Improvements. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 19, pp. 59-76
  • Holvad, T., Hougaard, J.L., Kronborg, D. and Kvist, H.K. (2004). Measuring inefficiency in the Norwegian bus industry using multi-directional efficiency analysis. Transportation, 31, 349-369
  • Kronborg, D. and Aaby, P. (1990). Piecewise Comparison of Survival Functions in Stratified Proportional Hazard Models. Biometrics, Vol. 46, No.2, pp 375-380


Publications List
Publikationer sorteret efter:
Mette Asmild; Dorte Kronborg; Tasmina Mahbub; Tasmina Mahbub / Inefficiency Patterns in Family-owned Banks in Bangladesh
I: Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 49, Nr. 1, 2022, s. 198-212
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Anders Rønn-Nielsen; Dorte Kronborg; Mette Asmild / Permutation Tests on Returns to Scale and Common Production Frontiers in Nonparametric Models
København : Københavns Universitet 2022, 36 s. (IFRO Working Paper, Vol. 2022 / 05)
Working paper
Mette Asmild; Dorte Kronborg; Anders Rønn-Nielsen / Applying Statistical Methods to Compare Frontiers : Are Organic Dairy Farms Better Than the Conventional?.
I: Advances in Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. NAPW 2018. red. /Christopher F. Parmeter; Robin C. Sickles. Cham : Springer 2021, s. 335-348 (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)
Konferencebidrag i proceedings > peer review
Mette Asmild; Arne Henningsen; Dorte Kronborg; Anders Rønn-Nielsen / Comment on: "Testing Hypotheses in Nonparametric Models of Production" by Kneip, Simar, and Wilson (2016, JBES)
København : Københavns Universitet 2019, 3 s. (IFRO Working Paper, Nr. 2019 / 07)
Working paper
Anders Rønn-Nielsen; Dorte Kronborg; Mette Asmild / Exact Tests on Returns to Scale and Comparisons of Production Frontiers in Nonparametric Models
København : Københavns Universitet 2019, 23 s. (IFRO Working Paper, Nr. 2019/4)
Working paper
Mette Asmild; Dorte Kronborg; Tasmina Mahbub; Kent Matthews / The Efficiency Patterns of Islamic Banks During the Global Financial Crisis : The Case of Bangladesh.
I: The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 74, 11.2019, s. 67-74
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Peter Dalgaard; Claus Thorn Ekstrøm; Dorte Kronborg / Bismuth Adjuvant and Adverse Effects of Chemotherapy : Issues with Statistical Analyses.
I: Supportive Care in Cancer, Vol. 26, Nr. 6, 6.2018, s. 1685-1686
Kommentar/debat > peer review
Mette Asmild; Dorte Kronborg; Anders Rønn-Nielsen / Testing Productivity Change, Frontier Shift, and Efficiency Change
Frederiksberg : Københavns Universitet 2018, 23 s. (IFRO Working Paper, Nr. 2018/7)
Working paper
Jens Leth Hougaard; Dorte Kronborg; Aleksandrs Smilgins / Fair Division of Costs in Green Energy Markets
I: Energy: An International Journal, Vol. 139, 11.2017, s. 220-230
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Steen Thomsen; Caspar Rose; Dorte Kronborg / Employee Representation and Board Size in the Nordic Countries
I: European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 42, Nr. 3, 2016, s. 471-490
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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