China's New Trade Associations
Seminar on
China's New Trade Associations
Presentation by Professor Wang Zhonghui
College of International Economic and Trade, NanjingUniversity of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu Province, China
Abstract: After China entered the WTO, China's trade associations have developed very rapidly. Professor Wang Zhonghui will introduce the history of the recent developments of China's trade associations, China's current policies towards them, and their current situation, i.e. the scope and size of them, as well as the problems they face. The speaker will finally look at what roles China's trade associations can play in the future.
Professor Wang Zhonghui is newly appointed Acting Dean of the College of International Economic and Trade at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu Province, China. Professor Wang’s research focus is on private sector development, international trade barriers, and new institutions in China’s import/export business.
The seminar is one in a series on Challenges to Communist Party Rule in China , organized jointly by Copenhagen Business School’s Asia Research Centre and NIAS.