Research Seminar Series: Michael Etter, Mette Morsing & Anne Roepstorff

“Benefits and challenges when ‘going abroad’ - 3 stories on being a Visiting Scholar and how to optimize and expect the possible”

Tirsdag, 1 marts, 2011 - 13:30 to 14:30

 “Benefits and challenges when ‘going abroad’ - 3 stories on being a Visiting Scholar and how to optimize and expect the possible”


Michael Etter, Visiting PHD-student cbsCSR

Mette Morsing Professor cbsCSR

Anne Roepsdorff; Assist. Professor, cbsCSR

We are inviting everyone interested to an informal discussion and seminar on how to optimize your stay when being a Visiting Scholar within another academic community.

We will build the discussion on our recent/current experiences of being Visiting CBS Scholars at Stanford University and New York University during the fall semester 2010 and being Visiting Scholar at cbsCSR.

From these experiences we are inviting the audience to involve themselves in this discussion and exchange with own examples of going abroad through academia and/or critical questions to successful and less successful strategies of how to get the most out of a period abroad.

Some of the issues we will touch is:

- What to focus on, when planning and selecting where to go to

- Practicalities before and after a stay in combination with the possible output of going abroad

- E-taxation issues

- Funding

- Travelling with children

- How to tackle the different possible scopes of enhancing work related network and doing your own academic work with all the practicalities of establishing yourself in a foreign place and staying sane through establishment of social relations

- How to combine ambitions with what is realistic to do in the limited time at hand abroad

- What can you expect to gain from exchanges of different time-scopes

- Presenting your work

- Collecting data

- etc.

This event is part of a series of cbsCSR Research Seminars that take place monthly, where new research will be presented.

 Do you wish to present a paper for feedback before publishing, done hesitate, give a notice to Gurli Jakobsen

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/10/2012