Seminar on CSR and fighting online child pornography

In collaboration with NetClean and Save the Children

Torsdag, 26 maj, 2011 - 13:00 to 16:30

1 in every 1000 employees views child pornography online from their workplace computer.

What can companies do to address this issue – and is it even the responsibility of the companies in the first place?

cbsCSR is co-hosting a seminar to debate this difficult issue and hear how the Danish companies Netclean, TRYG and Ezenta as well as Save the Children, the Danish police and the Ministry of Justice work together to fight online child pornography in new ways.


Note that the event will be held in Danish.

Register with Caroline Rugaard,, +45 25 35 15 90.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/10/2012