Human Rights in China - The Accomplishments of one NGO over 25 Years

By John Kamm

Fredag, 20 marts, 2015 - 10:00 to 12:00

Round table meeting on human rights in China and on the results which one NGO – Dui Hua – has achieved through interaction and negotiations with Chinese authorities over a period of 25 years. In his presentation, Executive Director John Kamm, Founder of Dui Hua Foundation, looks back and sums up 25 years of active promotion of human rights issues in China. John Kamm’s presentation is followed by a Q & A session.

About the speaker and Dui Hua:
Dui Hua Foundation is a non-profit USA based humanitarian organization established in 1999 by businessman in Hong Kong, John Kamm. Dui Hua seeks clemency and better treatment to at-risk detainees through promotion of universally recognized human rights in well-informed, mutually respectful dialogue with China. Focusing on political and religious prisoners, juvenile justice, women in prison, and issues in criminal justice, the work of Dui Hua rests on the premise that positive change is realized through constructive relationships and exchange.

Dui Hua enjoys special consultative status with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council and is the only independent NGO focused on human rights in China to have such status. Since its establishment Dui Hua has been supported by a number of European governments including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), The Meeting Room, CSS Campus Building 18, 1st floor. University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5, DK-1353 Copenhagen

This round table meeting is free of charge. Please note that the number of participants is limited due to the size of the meeting room. Please sign up before March 18 through this link: Sign up

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