The New Silk Roads: China’s Strategy to Promote Economic Integration

By Professor Wang Yuzhu

Tirsdag, 20 oktober, 2015 - 15:00 to 16:30

China’s new Silk Roads Initiative, also named “One Belt, One Road”, was first presented in September 2013, when President Xi Jinping called for the development of an "Economic Belt along the Silk Road". In November 2014, the Silk Road Fund was set up as the financial institution to support the new development strategy.

Professor Wang Yuzhu will present the background of the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative, and comment on the regional cooperation model which has been proposed by China. He will explore what the initiative may entail for the more than 60 potentially involved countries as well as examine the role of the Silk Road Fund and the newly founded Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

About the speaker:
Dr. WANG Yuzhu is professor at the Graduate School and Head of the Centre for APEC and East Asia Cooperation at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Professor Wang is also Research Fellow and Head of the Department of Regional Cooperation at China’s National Institute of International Strategy attached to CASS.

In his research, Professor Wang Yuzhu has mainly focused on theories of regional cooperation, the political economy of regional cooperation, East Asian cooperation, ASEAN integration, Sino-ASEAN relationship and the regional strategy of China.

Professor Wang Yuzhu has published a large number of articles and the following books: The Dynamics of ASEAN Economic Cooperation (1967-2007), Social Sciences Academic Press (Beijing), 2011. The Dynamics of ASEAN Cooperation and China-ASEAN Relations, Paths International and Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 2014. Asia-Pacific: Facing the Future, Building Partnership Together, Foreign Language Press (Beijing), 2014. “One Belt One Road” Initiative and the Reconstruction of Asian Integration Model, Social Sciences Academic Press (Beijing), 2015.

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