PhD defence: Laila Kærgaard Starr

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Laila Kærgaard Starr has submitted her thesis entitled: When is health innovation worth it? Essays on new approaches to value creation in health

Torsdag, 10 februar, 2022 - 13:00 to 15:00

PhD Defence

The assessment of value in healthcare is complex and involves different decision problems where implicit and explicit decision criteria and preferences are involved. This Industrial PhD in health economics consists of an introduction and five independent chapters collectively aiming at answering: “When is health innovation worth it? The first paper explores how observed preferences can be used in the benchmarking and development of new pharmaceutical products, the second paper elicit patient’s stated benefit-risk preferences and compare it with the national health priorities in Denmark, while the last three papers explores different aspects of value-based health care focusing on the Danish experiences, the feasibility and the challenges with contract design.
Primary Supervisor:
Professor, dr. Merc Peter Bogetoft
Department of Economics
Copenhagen Business School
Secondary Supervisors:
Global HEOR Director Jens Gundgaard
Novo Nordisk
Assessment Committee:
Professor MSO Pedro Oliveira (Chair)
Department of Strategy and Innovation
Copenhagen Business School
Associate Professor Miguel Gouveia
Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics
Universidade Católica Portuguesa 
Associate Professor Ulrika Enemark
Department of Public Health – Section for Health Services Research
Aarhus University
The thesis will be available from
Organised by  CBS PhD School
Date 10 February
Time 13:00-15:00

The defence takes place via Microsoft Teams at the following link:


*Please note in connection with the online defence that the microphone and camera of all spectators must be turned off!


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/07/2023