CIO Talks at Department of IT Management with Per Buchwaldt

At this CIO Talk, we get a visit from CIO of Region Zealand and their Corporate Management group Per Buchwaldt responsible for the Corporate IT organization, Per offers his thoughts on a fast moving industry.

Tirsdag, 6 maj, 2014 - 08:00 to 10:00

Investing 1+ billion DKK in Health Care IT

The CIO Talk is in English.

CIO Talks with Per Buchwaldt

The health care industry came late to the digital change of its practices. But today the industry is probably one of the fastest moving areas in terms of information technology. Information technology becomes a part of solutions for patients and the technology is also integrated in the diagnostics and treatments of patients as well as supporting Health and Medical Records and the clinical processes. Supporting these developments, the new Healthcare Platform now being implemented by Region Zealand and Capital Region provides huge potentials to capitalize on information technology. The platform will meet the defined requirements for IT support of clinical and administrative work within the health care system in both the Capital Region and Region Zealand. The goals of the platform are treatment continuity and patient safety, efficiency improvements of clinical processes and workflows, and patient and staff satisfaction. The question is how an IT organization should handle these demands and the fast pace of technological change? On this and other related issues, Per Buchwaldt will give his thoughts.


Per Buchwaldt is CIO and member of the Corporate Management group of Region Zealand responsible for the Corporate IT organization. Corporate IT Services supports approximately 17,000 employees. Corporate IT delivers and runs IT infrastructure, Health Care IT and administrative solutions within Region Zealand – one of the five Danish regions responsible for running the public hospitals in Denmark. The Region supports 800,000 citizens with a wide range of services spread out across 22 cities. The Region runs seven somatic hospitals along with a variety of psychiatric services in the region. Region Zealand has a budget of around 15 billion Danish kroner (2 billion Euros).

Per is a longtime CIO. He started out as CIO in 1984 and has worked as CIO in the Energy Industry, in the Financial Services Industry and within the Professional Services Industry. Before joining Region Zealand in 2013, Per worked in Deloitte Consulting as Director serving the Health Care Industry and central government agencies. For five years Per Buchwaldt also headed the Danish IT Society, DANSK IT, as its chairman of the board. Per holds a Master of Science in Engineering (Operations Research) and a diploma from CBS (HD in Finance).

If you plan to attend the seminar please let us know via email:

Organised by



6. May 2014


08.00-10.00 (A light breakfast will be served at 08.00, and the presentation will start at 08.20)


Howitzvej 60, 4 sal


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/06/2017