Renowned Scholars Seminar Series with Professor Burt Swanson from University of California

You are welcome to attend our last Renowned Scholars Seminar Series in our season two at Department of IT Management. We get a visit from University of California Los Angeles, Professor Burt Swanson will be here

Fredag, 6 juni, 2014 - 10:00 to 12:00

How Are Information Systems Research Impacts Achieved?

Research in the field of information systems is presently under pressures to justify its value by speaking to its impact on professional practice.  This seminar presents a simple model enabling research impacts to be identified and differentiated, distinguishing between those that occur through direct engagement of academic practice with professional practice, and those that occur through diffusion of practices, both academic and professional.  Several conjectures about information systems research impacts follow from an analysis of the model.

Registration is not required but will be appreciated.
If you plan to attend the seminar please let us know via our email,

Organised by CBS, Department of IT Management
Date 6 June, 2014
Time 10:00 - 12:00
Location How. 60 4th floor


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/06/2017