Open Guest Lecture with Dr. Erkut Sögüt
Friday 25 October 2019
Copenhagen Business School
SP 201 (Danske Bank Auditorium)
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg
Dr. Sögüt runs the football agency responsible for clients such as Mesut Özil, Kieran Gibbs, and Robert Pires and has been in the business for over fifteen years. From the start of his career, Dr. Sögüt has been guest-lecturing at universities around the world including Harvard (Business and Law School), University of Southern California (USC), George-Washington University, Dusseldorf University, Kadir Has University and The FBA. Dr. Sögüt is founding partner of Football Agent Education, a sports-education company training future football agents.
Dr Söküt will among other things touch upon how to become a football agent, what being an agent is all about, and how the agent industry works.
There will be opportunities to have a chat with Dr Sögüt after the lecture.
Everybody is welcome to participate in the lecture. No registration needed.
Sven Junghagen
Dept. of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS
Thomas Bunk Møller
Upcoming football agent