Call for papers

The Changing Chinese Culture and Business Behavior


Special issue of the International Business Review


The Changing Chinese Culture and Business Behavior

Guest Editors:

Tony Fang, Stockholm University & Asia Research Centre

Shuming Zhao, Nanjing University

Verner Worm, Asia Research Centre, Copenhagen Business School

The editors welcome  innovative papers, both conceptual and empirical, both quantitative and qualitative, which tackle topics such as:


  • What constitutes Chinese national culture today and what are the implications for international business in China?

  • What are the emerging Chinese values re?ected in business and management practices in China?

  • How to understand regional diversities of Chinese culture and business behavior within China?

  • How to understand professional and corporate culture in China?

  • What are the main characteristics of Chinese negotiating style, and how to negotiate successfully in the changing China with SOEs and privately owned Chinese ?rms/ entrepreneurs?

  • What are the challenges and opportunities in doing international business research in China?


Deadline for submission: October 1, 2006

For further details se


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/10/2012