Michael Jacobsen in Journal of Contemporary China

On Reconceptualising the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia


Michael Jacobsen, Associate Professor at ARC, has just published an article in Journal of Contemporary China.

Title: Navigating between Disaggregating Nation States and Entrenching Processes of Globalisation: reconceptualising the Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia

Volume 18 Number 58, January 2009, pp 69-92.



This paper argues that the fluidity that permeates the contemporary international community is driven by especially political and economic globalisation, which has a huge impact on the relationship between the nation and the state. As the individual nation state is increasingly dependent on the international community for its economic survival this dependency on the global has as a consequence that it rolls back aspects of national sovereignty thus opening up the national hinterland for further international influences. These developments initiate a process of disaggregating state and nation, meaning that a gradual disarticulation of the relationship between state and nation produces new societal spaces, which are contested by non-statist interest groups and transnational more or less deterritorialised ethnic affiliated groups and networks. The argument forwarded in this article is that Southeast Asians of Chinese descent utilise these newly created spaces for setting up diasporic-like networks thus providing substance for transnational ethnoscapes or nations without states.

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Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/10/2012