Call for Papers
Announcement and Call for Papers
Workshop on the Politics of Corporate Governance
September 29-30, 2006
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Center for Corporate Governance (CCG)
Center for Economics Business Research (CEBR)
Keynote Speakers
Randall Morck, Harvard University and University of Alberta
Ugo Pagano, University of Siena
Mark Roe, Harvard University
Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, University of Amsterdam
We invite you to submit papers and to participate in this workshop. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome on this topic, and in particular papers that combine the two.
Corporate governance issues are often highly politicized and controversial, and the politics of governance has become an exciting field of research in economics and finance e.g. comparative corporate and political governance systems. Some stylized facts have been established but are not well understood. In order to understand how political and historical conditions systematically affect the design of corporate governance mechanisms and how they function, more detailed studies are necessary. We organize this workshop on the politics of corporate governance to encourage such studies as well as the scientific debate across disciplines.
Specific topics include but are not limited to
- Political determinants of control structures
- Impact of politics and legal regimes on corporate governance
- Political history of corporate control
- Politics of shareholder vs. stakeholder value maximization
- Cost and benefits of corporate governance policies
- Politics of corporate financing, capital structure and taxation
- Political trade-off between protection of labor and minority shareholders
- Politics of managerial compensation
- Electoral politics and minority shareholder protection
- Political determinants of the size of primary stock markets
- Wars and corporate governance
- Politics of transition between governance systems.
- Politics of privatization and outsourcing
Organizing Committee
Steen Thomsen, Copenhagen Business School
Morten Bennedsen, Copenhagen Business School
Workshop site/Location
Copenhagen Business School
Deadline for submission: August 1, 2006
A PDF file containing a completed draft should be e-mailed to the Organizing Committee, at Authors will be notified about the acceptance of their papers by September 1, 2006. Accepted papers must be completed and submitted by September 15. People submitting papers should also indicate whether they are willing to act as discussants. Questions can be directed to Lotte Walther Malmskov (
Deadline for registration
September 15, 2006.