Jakob Blaabjerg Ahm Sørensen receives the Fonnesbech PhD Award 2020
The FRIC Center and the Department of Finance are proud to announce that the annual Fonnesbech PhD Award 2020 has been awarded to FRIC PhD student Jakob Blaabjerg Ahm Sørensen.
The award committee found that ‘Jakob has performed very well throughout his studies, receiving top grades in all of his advanced PhD classes. He has started a successful collaboration with the world’s leading finance scholars at Harvard University that has led to a paper on “Predictable Financial Crises”.’
About the Fonnesbech PhD Award
The Fonnesbech PhD award co-finances a 4th year of PhD studies with 140.000DKK, where CBS co-finances the rest. This award recognizes a PhD student, who has ‘delivered extraordinary research which is estimated to be on an international top level’, and who has the ‘possibility, with the effort of this 4th year of PhD studies, to get hired by an internationally renowned university or business school, and thereby contribute to showing that the research done at CBS has international impact and that the CBS’ Business-in-Society strategy will be internationally renowned’.
Due to Covid-19, the award ceremony has unfortunately been canceled, but you can find more information about Jakob Blaabjerg Ahm Sørensen and his research here.