Career Centre and CBS Alumni increase social media presence
In an effort to be where the students are, CBS Career Centre opened a Facebook site in the beginning of this semester. The aim was to make students aware of both the Career Centre and the many events they host.
While other factors may have contributed, the Career Centre has seen an increase in interest from students since the Facebook page opened.
- We have experienced a clear increase in the amount of participants in our events during this semester compared to earlier. We have a lot more registrations for events and they get sold out much quicker, says Jannie Henriksen, Relations Manager from CBS Career Centre.
The Facebook page is generally used to advertise events and give students career advice in an informal and relatable way. The page has around 2,200 followers.
- We have gotten a clearer image of what interests the students and what appeals to them. They are extremely interested in meeting companies and interacting with them, says Jannie Henriksen.
The Career Centre has also joined Instagram, which is used for real time updates from specific events. At the last Career Fair, the Career Centre held a competition where students were encouraged to take selfies with company representatives.
- It was a way of making the students aware of us on Instagram but we also wanted it to be an icebreaker for the students when they walked up to a company stand, says Jannie Henriksen.
A more personal approach
CBS Alumni has been using LinkedIn for quite some time but has recently joined Facebook as well. The CBS Alumni group on LinkedIn has existed since 2007 and has 17,523 members.
- We post invitations to events that are relevant to alumni in our LinkedIn group. But after the event, Facebook is perfect for sharing photos and for letting people have their say. Facebook enables us to make the social experience of getting together last longer, says Helene Brøndholt Nielsen, Head of Alumni Relations.
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