Chinese speaking Student Assistant for EU Horizon project

Chinese speaking student assistant for EU Horizon project at Department of International Economics, Government and Business (EGB), CBS
EGB is looking to recruit a student assistant for the EU Horizon project “Dealing with a Resurgent China” (DWARC). DWARC is a three-year project financed by the EU Commission aiming to build and consolidate research capacity on contemporary China across the EU. The project aims to create linkages and connections between numerous European knowledge nodes on China and to create a collaborative network that endures beyond the timeframe of the project. The key subjects to be covered include society and culture, politics, economy, and foreign policy. The student assistant will primarily be connected to the work package on Chinese politics.
The CBS project team consists of Prof. Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard and Postdoc Kasper Ingeman Beck. They coordinate and co-lead a consortium consisting of nine European universities and think tanks across seven countries, including, University of Madrid, Sciences Po, Universita del Piemonte Orientale, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Bochum, Asia Centre (Paris), Bruegel, MERICS, and CBS.
- Officially enrolled at a Danish university within Social Sciences (NB. ability to meet physically in Copenhagen on weekly basis)
- More than 1 year until graduation
- Fluent in Mandarin Chinese (written and spoken) and English
- Update and maintain a database of selected Chinese policy documents, laws, and regulations
- Help find and analyze significant news on Chinese politics
- Facilitate and edit podcasts
- Administrative tasks relating to coordination of the project, travels, or events
Conditions of employment:
You are expected to work 5 hours per week on average.
Employment will take place in accordance with the HK organization agreement and the Joint Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Public Employees' Organizations (OAO-S Joint Agreement).
The hourly salary is between DKK 130,19 and DKK 136,57 depending on previous employment and level of education. A pension is paid if you have had 9 months' prior employment in the public sector or if you have previously been covered by an occupational pension scheme. The pension contribution amounts to 10.65% of the pensionable salary components.
Deadline: November 30th 2022
Start Date: December 2022 – a.s.a.p.
To apply please send your application and CV to Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard ( and Kasper Ingeman Beck (