Citizens, policies and firm perspectives on work-life balance

What are the priorities of men and women in ‘work’ and ‘life’? Why are men still under-represented in parental leave ? Does new EU-regulated work-life balance policy equalize parental leave for men and women? What firm-level work-life balance policies do employees look for at their work-place? Do leaders and HR departments hinder or facilitate work-life balance, and how? AGILE work-life balance answers these questions in 3 interrelated yet distinct empirical research WPs (WPs 1, 2 & 3), focusing on the individual level (citizens), institutions and outcomes, as well as the firm-level. The empirical analyses provide material to develop a common, unifying theorization of WLB, developed through an abductive method (WP 5). The new empirical material and theorization will be utilized to develop pedagogical case-based material for teaching purposes, for students in business administration, public policy and executive level training (WP 4).