Student assistant for The Centre for Organization and Time, located at the Department of Organization

The student assistant will be closely involved with administration and research activities under the Centre for Organization and Time. Much of the activity will take place in the project «Making Distant Futures Actionable: Innovating for a Zero-Carbon Future», funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The person will work closely with Professors Tor Hernes and Majken Schultz, Ass. Professor Miriam Feuls as well as with their team of researchers.

The tasks will include the following:

  • Organizing in-house seminars and workshops and handle the IT part of meetings/workshops
  • Liaison with international partners
  • Literature research on sustainability, organization, and management
  • Maintenance and updating of the Centre’s homepage (
  • Take part at Centre meetings and workshops
  • Assist with extending and updating the Centre’s social media

We are looking for persons proficient in English and with working knowledge of Danish. They need to be well organized, conscientious about their work and versatile with IT. We expect them to take initiative and be autonomous in resolving issues that may arise. We look for persons that are pleasant and efficient in their communication with the team and external partners. They may be asked to assist with ad hoc activities related to our research. We will follow up and guide the person in their various tasks and define their workload and schedules. Depending on the person’s interests, our research project may be a good basis for their thesis work.

More information
For more information, contact Prof. Tor Hernes ( or Prof. Majken Schultz (

Salary and Employment Terms
Employment will be in accordance with the HK organizational agreement and the Collective Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and Public Employees’ Organizations (OAO-S Collective Agreement).

Salary currently ranges from DKK 140.57 to DKK 147.46 per hour, depending on previous office work experience and educational level. Pension contributions are made, amounting to 15% of the pensionable salary components.

It is a condition of employment that you are an active student at a higher education institution.

The employment is for a fixed term from mid-December 2024 to December 31, 2025. The employment is for 15 hours per week.

Recruitment Process
Copenhagen Business School invites all qualified candidates to apply for the position. A selection committee will review the applications and invite a selection of qualified candidates for an interview.

One of CBS’s strategic goals is to promote diversity and inclusion within our organization. Therefore, we aim for a recruitment process that minimizes potential bias. We encourage applicants not to include photos or unnecessary personal information in the application.

Your application
You apply for the position online by opening the “apply online” link, where you fill out the application form and attach your application with information about previous employment, exam papers, and CV.

Ansøgningsfrist: 27. oktober 2024.

Søg online


CBS er et globalt anerkendt businessuniversitet med dybe rødder i den nordiske, socioøkonomiske model. Vi har et bredt fokus på erhvervslivets og samfundets udfordringer i det 21. århundrede. Derfor har vi en samlet portefølje af tværfaglig forskning og uddannelse af høj kvalitet, der har styrket generationer af fagfolk og ledere i den private sektor og andre steder.

Universitetet ligger på Frederiksberg og har ca. 20.000 fuldtids- og deltidsstuderende, 800 fuldtidsansatte videnskabelige medarbejdere, 200 ph.d.-studerende og 700 administrative medarbejdere samt en portefølje af bachelor-, kandidat-, MBA/EMBA-, ph.d.-og efter-/videreuddannelser udbudt på både dansk og engelsk.

Med vores globale profil følger en forpligtelse til at bidrage til udviklingen af transformative kompetencer hos studerende, kandidater og virksomhedsledere gennem vores uddannelsesaktiviteter og muligheder for livslang læring. Komplekse udfordringer kræver en fælles indsats, og derfor fokuserer vores strategi på at styrke nuværende og starte nye partnerskaber med andre videnskaber, erhvervslivet, myndigheder og civilsamfundet.

CBS arbejder kontinuerligt med at blive en mangfoldig og inkluderende organisation, og vi opfordrer alle uanset kønsidentitet og -udtryk, alder, etnicitet, religiøs overbevisning, LGBT+-status, kulturel baggrund m.m. at søge.
Kontakt os, hvis du har brug for assistance i søge- eller ansættelsesprocessen, hvis der er noget vi skal vide, eller hvis du som person med handicap ønsker at gøre brug af din fortrinsret.