Alice Guerra receives Carlsberg grant for an experimental project on leadership and corporate honesty

Alice Guerra has together with Orsola Garofalo (Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics at CBS) and Mario Daniele Amore (Department of Management and Technology at Bocconi University), been awarded a Carlsberg grant for an experimental project on leadership and corporate honesty


alice guerra

The main objective of our stay at the Laboratory for Research in Experimental and Behavioral Economics in Valencia (LINEEX), is to analyze whether and how (i.e., to what extent and through which channels) a leader͛s adoption of (non-) transparent practices in the execution of a given task affects the (dis)honesty in the decision-making of employees that subsequently undertake similar tasks within an organization. In order to pursue this objective we want to test our presumptions via laboratory experiments. LINEEX is the strongest and most established institution to conduct behavioral economics experimental research in Europe and represents the most efficient solution for our research purposes. This project will allow us to pursue new research collaborations and to draft at least one paper that will ultimately target top international journals.

The project is set to run in April 2018

Sidst opdateret: Department of Business and Politics // 15/11/2021